Monday, November 16, 2015

Udderly Smooth Review...

I am super excited to tell you about some of the fantastic Udderly Smooth® products!

First, I love the new scents of their Hand Cream...

The Apple Blossom is enriched with Aloe Vera, the Baby Powder is enriched with vitamin E and the Fresh Citrus is enriched with Shea Butter. Wow these are amazing! I wash my hands a ton and apply hand lotion often. I am so in love with each one of these!

Next, I used their awesome Foot Cream with Shea Butter...

This superb foot cream moisturizes, smooths roughness and softens dry feet. It contains Shea Butter to make a more intensive moisturizer. I put this on before I went to bed last night with some fuzzy socks. My feet were nice and moisturized when I woke up this morning!

If you have dry skin, you'll absolutely love the Original Udderly Smooth® Udder Cream...

Original Udderly Smooth® Udder Cream is a greaseless, stainless water-based moisturizer with a light fresh fragrance. I really like the rich moisturizing ingredients. This cream feels so heavenly on my dry skin! I'm super impressed with it and highly recommend it!

Of course our precious 3 month old grandson Kooper and 1 year old granddaughter Kaydence love these products just as much as we do! Here they are with their new Udderly Smooth cow...

What a blessing that these products are gentle and safe to use on any age from babies to elderly! Each one of the Udderly Smooth items are wonderful and get a huge thumbs up from our family!

Watch the below video to learn a little more about this fabulous company...

Made in the USA for over thirty years, these products contain rich moisturizing ingredients.

Not your average moisturizing lotion- Udderly Smooth® can be used on dry skin, cracked skin, for diabetes foot care, as a facial moisturizer, as a general moisturizing lotion and many other uses. Pioneered by a Pharmacist, reasonably priced and made in America’s heartland.

Thank you Udderly Smooth® for the excellent products, customer service and also for donating to the Serving Others This Holiday Season project!

Make sure and head on over to visit the Udderly Smooth® site. They have such incredible products and are also on Facebook, and Twitter!

Disclaimer: *I do not receive any money for my posts. I do however receive the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*


  1. I also love Udderly Smooth products. Oh Shauna your grandkids are adorable! :)

  2. Thanks Nicky they are so fun and precious!

  3. The new hand creams sound great

  4. The new hand creams sound great

  5. I want to try the foot cream! Good stocking stuffers ideas!

  6. Kooper and Kaydence are the cutest

  7. Loved reading this review and and love the pictures of your grandkids, also the video about these amazing products!!!

  8. Another great stocking stuffer idea thanks Shauna
