And the winners are...
#1 Ashley Veater
#2 Carla
#3 Andrea
#4 Julie (private blog)
#5 KC Mom
#6 Ashley Barnhart
* Winners please e-mail me your Mailing address and which 8x10 print is your favorite and your print will be mailed out right away!

I want to thank you again personally David
Bowman for sharing your beautiful art with
us! May the Lord bless you and your family!
Looking at your art helps me to stay calm :)
From David Bowman:
All I can say is... you are all WAAAY too nice! :) What a treat it has been for me to have Shauna do this (what a fun, generous woman). I, being a not-so-computer-savy male... am thus totally foreign to this phenominum called "Blogging" and am amazed at this blogging world you've all created. Thanks for letting me feel like a "part of the gang"!
Seriously, though, for me to get to read all your comments regarding my artwork has been a real treat. Thank you for all your kind, touching words. I've only been doing this kind of Christ-centered artwork (my Bowman Art company, for a little over a year now. I'm just so pleased that these images of our Savior can help, in any way, bring us a little closer to Him and His love. For as we all know, the credit goes to Him.
And thank you for passing the word along about these images of Christ...its all about word of mouth, and I really appreciate it!
---God Bless you all, Shauna's blogger-list-people-friends-whatever-I-call-you-all--- Love, Dave Bowman
Shauna!!! You are so awesome to do this for so many people. What a lot of work this must have been to get this beautiful gift for us. May the Lord bless you and your family always. I hope your New Year is Happy!
Wow! How incredible! Congrats to the winners. I will definitely be posting on my blog soon. :o)
Wow, I have to say that his talent is absolutely amazing!
Justine :o )
Congrats to all of the winners!
These are beautiful! I, too, will post this on my blog.
Oh, stink! I got here just a little too late. But congratulations to everyone else! I'm happy for you!
Love the art prints! Congrats to the winners and looking forward to my own free 8x10.
Thanks for the heads up!
Cool! I won! You are so awesome David Bowman and Trying to Stay Calm! Since I won can I do the contest with my blog still?
WOW!! Thanks a bunch!
I was so sad to see that I hadn't won, then I continued reading. So amazing! Thank you for sharing this amazing artist with us! I already posted about him. I just couldn't wait. Congrats to all the winners!
Wow, what a great gift! Thank you-
This is awesome. Congrats to the winners.
Yeah!! I'm a winner! Thanks Shauna and David!!
Wow, seriously?! That is awesome. I'll post!! Thanks Shauna.
Congtratulations everyone!!!! Congratulations to my special blogging friend Ashley Veater in Washington!!!
These are truly amazing and I will be honored to show his beautiful work on my blog!
Shauna, you are so sweet to introduce him and his beautiful talent to each of us. Thank You:)
May you and your family enjoy the choicest of blessings this coming year!
This is an awesome offer! I am putting it on my blog right now! Thanks for doing this!!!!
these are beautiful pictures! Too bad I finally came back to blog stalking right as this sweet giveaway is over.
Congratulations to the winners!
What a wonderful gift! I posted on my blog :)
I'm so excited!!! I've never won a blog giveaway before! I'm really thrilled to get such a beautiful print to hang in my home!
Hey Happy Be-lated New Year! Hope you have a healthy and good 2009!
"Nana's Box"
thanks for the amazing friendship. you are a wonderful lady...♥
My Oh My!
That is such a great offer! THank you so much!!
I have already posted it on my blog!
Thanks for spreading the word!!
Shauna, thank you so much! I will e-mail you soon.
lucky lucky girls!!!!!!
Thank you so much. I will be posting this very soon!!
Oh, I am SO doing this. I LOVE "Innocence". I have a brand new baby boy, and the thought of him playing and laughing with Christ just melts my heart. Thank you for doing this!
Congradulations to all those winners! Such great art!
oh my goodness!!! i love them! only one question... does this have a time frame? i am currently on vacation and not as able to do this until the mid-end of January. will i miss it if i wait til then? please let me know as I would LOVE to participate!!! wow! thank you.
Wow, I have never seen your blog before and it is fabulous!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment.
You are a BUSY blogger!!
Thanks Sis!!! I hope I see one in the mail soon! How beautiful these pictures are. I will make sure to post it right now! Love you Cheryl!
Congrats to the winners!
Just stopped by to say Happy New Year!
What a great thing to do!
Awesome! These prints are so nice and uplifting. Thank you for spreading the word. =)
Congrats to the winners. I will be posting about this on my blog tonight. I ♥ his pictures.
That is beautiful artwork...WOW!
I am so excited! Thank you so much Shauna and Dave! It's posting now on my blog page!
Congrats to all the winners and congrats to ME, cuz I posted this on my blog and can't wait to tell David! What a wonderful artist and what a great way to advertise his work! You're amazing Shauna!
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad we came back in town just in time! :) I posted it on my blog and I can't wait! Such an awesome thing to do!
I just posted this on my blog. His artwork is beautiful and I can't wait to receive mine. Thank you so much for including all of us in this Shauna. You really are a remarkable woman and I am glad to have met you in bloggy land!
Beautiful artwork!! I did post this evening. Thanks for offering such a sweet treat.
I just posted this on my blog - and quite happily. I'm just sad I saw this so late! Thank you thank you Shauna and David Bowman for your generosity and willingness to spread goodness online!
Thank you so much for sharing this find!!!
(happy happy me!!)
I am so sad I missed this giveaway. His artwork is incredible!
Thank you so much!! I am so thankful for this awesome gift. Thank you to Shauna for posting, and thanks to David Bowman for agreeing to give away the 8X10. I am glad that I was able to get one. That is such a great blessing.
ooh I missed a good one! Beautiful art!
Congrats to your winners!
I got my print today. Thank you again David Bowman!!!!! ANd thank you Shauna.
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