For my 100th post celebration join me for lots of fun this week! YIPPEE SKIPPEE Happy 100th Post to me :) I will be doing three different giveaways to celebrate! Yahoo... PARTY TIME!!! Now are you ready for
the first giveaway...
To go along with the name of this blog...
I'm doing a Trying to Stay Calm giveaway :)

I read that Lavender is very calming so I will be giving away 3 Lavender bath sets! To enter leave a comment on this post by
tonight telling me things that help you to stay calm. I will post
the winners on Tues. March 10th. Watch for the next giveaway
on Wed. March 11th. Good Luck everyone!
HAPPY 100th post!
Check your email!
Congrats sweetie! ♥
congrats! it sounds weird but I read that when you are stressed to stick your thumb on the roof of your mouth and blow into your thumb- it works! thanks for a great giveaway! I love lavender!
Congrats! I love taking baths, even though I'm tall and my tub is sort of short!
I'm doing a giveaway tomorrow too, in honor of my one year bloggy birthday, which is today!
Yippee. Happy 100th too. I think you are so great Shauna.
I try to stay calm by respecting my might mind and strength. I always use to overdo to the point of exhaustion. Can't anymore.
And you blog always keeps me warm.
Lavender is my favorite....Congrats on your 100th....you already know i think it is a great blog...keep up the good work
I just started following your blog I love it... Hope I win something that would be fun :) congrats!
Happy 100th post!!! So cool.
Let's see what calms me???
Well, I love a long HOT soak in the tub, with a magazine or book.
I go to the bathroom. Sometimes, it's the only room in the house where I get some quiet time. I'll hang out in there for a half hour sometimes, just leafing through a magazine, or trimming my toes-whatever.
Hmmm, what else, Pray. WHEn I've lost it, or am about to lose it, IF I have the sense to stop and get on my knees, I immediately feel some of that stress wash away.
Congrats on your 100th post!
When I feel like I am getting ready to be "uncalm" I stop and count to 10. It really works for me.
Happy 100 posts!
I stay calm by reading a good book after the kids have gone to bed, and occasionally having a night out!
Happy 100th post! I come to your blog and read how you are staying calm!;) I am so glad you signed up for the Pay it Forward! You are a lady who it will be a pleasure to 'Pay it Forward' to as you bless our lives continually! I need your email address!
Ahhh to stay calm...I guess you want us to discuss how we do this withour any magic pills from the doctor.:-)
I love to take warm bathes in candlelight, while listening to soft music and reading a good book.
Happy 100th post!
Happy 100th post! I don't get stressed much but when I do a good book to escape in is the best.
Knowing my grown children and their families are all doing well, gives me peace. Reading a good book is relaxing for me also. And to be in church/ temple. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the activity going on.
Thank you
Pat Morgan
Way to go!! Lavender is supposed to help soothe the soul. I do deep breathing excercises and relaxation scenarios in my brain. I take hot showers, I cuddle with Max...hmm
Cograts lady... I need that calmness today..
Happy 100th Post! I love to listening to Celine Dion! I love baths too! I love bedtime!
Thanks for your giveaway! It all sounds fun!
am a little late to enter :) However i really wanted to say Congrats :)
breathe deeply :)
YEAH!!!! 100 posts! i am so jealous :) congrats!
what do i do to stay calm....oh you mean besides alcohol? well, i love to take a walk, alone, no kid, no hubby...
or sometimes i sit in the bathroom on the floor and read (the bathroom is the only room in our house that has a lock )
congrats again!
Congrats on 100 posts! =D
Isolating myself and breathing deeply help me keep calm....sometimes. ;0P
Happy 1ooth post!
WOW, cute blog, glad I found you! I love lavender, and it is so calming! HAVE A GREAT Monday!
Happy 100th post!!! :)
I know it's bad and a yucky habit but to be perfectly honest, something that keeps me calm is smoking cigarettes. If I'm having a bad day or something just is going bad I like to smoke..and if i dont have any it's bad news for the boyfriend..lol
thnaks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment....have a wonderful day! hugs *~*
YEAH, 100th post. I love lavendar, it is the only scent that helps me to stay relaxed all day and helps me to sleep better at night. I love to read and crochet to stay calm. Crocheting also helps me control my pain.
Happy blog-iversary! Thanks for commenting on my blog!
Blessings - Lisa
You are definately calming!
I actually took a muscle relaxer last night for the first time ever to calm down my shoulder...boy did it ever calm me down!
I remember going around Tasmania during lavender harvest. It was everywhere! The whole state smelt so pretty!
Congratulations on your 100th.
When I get stressed I just retreat to my bedroom and get under the covers and watch a mindless chick-flick. Works everytime.
Happy 100th post! Listening to relaxing music helps me stay calm.
Congratulations on your 100th post :)
I try to stay calm by enjoying the little things God gives us and appreciate them. ♥
Congrats Shauna!
I love to stay calm by getting massages. When my body feels relaxed the rest of me can handle the stressful times.
You are GREAT!!!
My favorite thing to do when I'm stressed is bake some cookies, get into my comfy pajamas and watch Gilmore Girls all day.
Congrats on your 100th post!!!! As for my calming...well, I pop my Ipod into my dock and dance while I am making diner. Hey, it works and the kids have fun dancing as well.
Baths, long hot showers, massages, and reading a good book.
Congrats on making it to 100!!
Happy 100th! When I need to relax I lay in bed and put some old music on while reading a good book.
Happy 100th!
What a great way to kick things off!
To stay calm, I will immerse myself in music. There is nothing a good drive with the radio turned up can't cure..for me anyways!
Happy 100th post!
Since I can't smell (not even smoke or amonina) I'll not enter so everone else can have a chance!
Congrats you sweet lady you!
Congrats on 100 posts!
The most relaxing thing for me is a long, quiet bath. Although, at my house, quiet is usally not on the agenda;0)
How fun Shauna!!
I'm not a very stressed out person to begin with but I love a long soak in a bubble bath.
Happy 100th! WOOOOHOOOOOO!
I'm in on your giveaway...contest!
When I am stressed out and need to stay calm I try and imagine myself at the beach with no one in site, no screaming kids, no whining husband...just peaceful sounds of the ocean.
Sometimes by brain doesn't have the time to wander that far away from home so I just stick my fingers in my ear and say lalalallalallal I CAN't HEAR YOU as loud as I can! ;)
Congrats on your 100th~!
When I need to calm down I run away and go for a walk on the greenway, nature is a great relaxer. But when I can't leave the house...I turn to my trusty bottle of herbal 'calms' by Hylands. I also give those to my teenage daughters when they are stressing me out, that helps too!
Good books help me stay calm--as well as blog comments! Happy 100th!
YAY for the 100th post and love giveaways!!
Along with a lot of people from reading, baths are always soothing and calm me down and relax me!!
Ooh, congrats, and THANKS! I could definitely use some CALM right about now. :-D
Happy 100th!!!!
How exciting and fun. Thanks for sharing with us.
I always enjoy your enthusiasm.
For me to stay calm I depend on friends a LOT. Here in blog land I have met some great people, YOU ARE THE BEST, and you have helped me immensely since we have met. I often come here to you for just some enthusiasm and smiles. I love to read you and your comments, because you have given so many people a place to come where they know that they can depend on you to help lift them in times of need.
That said, I know you have your struggles and worries, but you are such an example of someone who knows that to over come anything it begins with looking outside of yourself and serving others. I will say that you are christlike, because YOU ARE.
Okay, my other way of calming down includes humming my favorite hymn, something I learned serving in primary. My favorite song seems to switch over from primary to hymns now that I am no longer there, and being exposed to grown up things. I sing a lot to myself, and my kids laugh because I can't keep a tune in a bucket.
Second, I take baths and my husband often rubs my feet. I look forward to every Wednesday, when we have a date, because I know that I will calm down from whatever my worries are.
Okay...this could have been a blog post. Thanks for asking and thanks for the opportunity to think through what I do to calm down. What a wonderful friend you are.
I do love you my dear. Hugs. ♥
Hey...I want to post tonight about you. Please let me know if that is OKAY. Hugs. I have it scheduled for 7:03...I will wait to hear from you if you don't mind me linking you to the post. Hugs. ♥ xoxoxxx
Mmm-I love lavendar. Happy 100th! :)
Thank you for visinting my blog!!
Now, i'm going to be a readere ofe yours!!
Thank you so much!
God bless you!
Yea congrats on the 100th post!!!! I'm slowing climbing my way up :-) I need some calming myself!!!!
things that make me calm:
nightly brisk walks
a long, hot bath (though haven't done it in a LOOONG TIME)
having food storage
reading my friends' blogs!
Hi!! Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you'll be back! Congrats on your 100th post! Lavender smells so great, and nothing relaxes me more than a nice bath! :)
Happy 100th Post!
COMMENT! I want to win!
Congrats on your big milestone!
Nothing is more theraputic and relaxing than grooming a horse. There's something about the connection. Ahhhhh.............
And you can enter me now.
Happy 100th post! Let's see, three things that relax me. Hmmm. Warm cookies (chocolate chip); a massage from my hubby (sorry if this is TMI); sitting in the front porch with a book during warm weather (here's to summer!).
Hi There,
Relaxation breathing and journaling are the two things I use most often to stay calm...they help!
Congrats on reaching your 100th post, I love the idea of celebrating with a giveaway. :)
hey girl!!!
Congrats on your 100th post!!!!!!!!
wooooo hoooooooo
i love some lavendar!!!!!! enter me homegirl!
That's awesome! Congrats! My blog is far from its 100th that's for sure!
A foot rub or back massage is one of my favorite ways to get relaxed. Its the best! Or taking a walk out in nature on a nice day, that's always calming.
my ipod always helps me stay calm! i put it on and i relax right away!
happy 100TH to you i love to read your blog!
Yoga, and lovely smelling things!
Some things that help me to calm down:
A good book {like Nancy Drew!}
Hot Showers
Massages {with oil} by my husband
candles {vanilla, lavendar, cookies, etc...}
hearing my children play together NICELY
listening to birds chirping
i feel more relaxed just typing this list! thanks Shauna!
Happy 100th Shauna! Great first giveaway; I absolutely LOVE lavender for relaxing. I also enjoy taking baths, going on walks, and laying out in my backyard. :o)
Well, I may be a little late for the giveaway but I thought I'd share some thing that helps me relax. I need alone time away from everyone else. It just makes me feel rejuvenated. The hard part is finding that time....
When I'm freaking out, I put a couple drops of Rescue Remedy under my tongue. It's made from botanicals and works like a charm - all of my friends used it before walking down the aisle...some even used it during child birth!
HAppy 100th post!!!
To stay calm I usely read or paint!!
Congrats on 100!!
I play the piano to stay calm. In fact my kids have learned that if Mommy is playing the piano, she's in 'time out' and you'd better leave her ALONE!. Music is such a stress reliever. l also like to dance to work off the stress that builds up when I've lost the calm.
love ya!
I forgot to post about how I stay calm? Is there a way?? ;-) j/k I tend to write - poetry - that usually helps.......or a nice HOT shower....OR work-out...play some wii.....and I tend to CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN!
Happy 100 posting!
I stay calm by regular gym time. No kidding. Twice a day or I'm a beast!
Hi Shauna:-)
First of all, congratulations on your 100th post! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway, lavendar certainly does have a wonderful calming effect:-) Soft music and lit candles, that's what calms me!!
Second of all, thank you so much for coming by my blog to visit me! I love meeting new people:-) Hope you come by again!! xox
OK I think this is ever woman's get away for relief. I loved taking baths with the lights down, soft music playing, candles going.....and it really does help to have lavender in the tub. It really helps to relax you. Good post!
Congrats on reaching 100! My husband helps me stay calm. He is a wonderful contrast to me:)
Wow! Already 100 posts? That's amazing! You are so great to do all of these giveaways! I love lavender, too, and it is calming. One of the things I do when I'm stressed is lock the bathroom door, draw a warm/hot bath armed with a diet Coke and a good book and soak while I read! It's the perfect recipe for staying calm! Adding lavender bath salts is a plus!
putting my kids to bed! then i'm calm!
Music. I've GOT to have some tunes!
oooo love ur blog! congrats! mmm music calms me down!
100th post? That is AWESOME! Congratulations. Music helps me stay calm, candles and taking a hot bath....Hmmm....Lavendar bath set would help me relax even more!
Congrats you blogger you! Way to go!
Congrats on 100 posts! I'm SO far behind you:-)
Okay, here's my thing: when I'm really stressed I MAKE my husband take the kids for an hour in the evening while I either take a hot bubble bath with a book, or turn on my ipod and rock out by myself.
I love the giveaway idea...I think I'm gonna start doing some of those!
Great idea for a giveaway! Lavender bath salts sound wonderful. I try to stay calm by breathing deeply, prayer, exercise, and reading. They usually work pretty well!
Happy 100th post!
To stay calm I love to read a good book. It is so relaxing to me. I also enjoy listening to nice soft classical music.
Finally a face to your blog! What a great idea for a giveaway - congrats on your 100th!
Hey girly! Happy 100th post!!!! That is huge! And lavender!!! I LOVE Lavender!!!
You have the coolest, bling, bling blog! I'm excited to meet a new bloggy friend. Happy 100th!!! J
Look at all these people wishing you well on this milestone! Thanks for your addy!!! Again congratulations!
♫ I head to the basement away from my boys and scrapbook
♫ I play the piano
♫ I watch a movie
♫ I read the scriptures or the Ensign
Oh oops that was more than 3 things. Oh well. Have a great day cute friend!!
Congrats on your 100th blog..Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed I like to take a walk with my dogs..watching them run through the woods with not a care in the world lets you forget all your troubles..a nice bubble bath is nice too...
I just recently started making an extra effort to exercise and eat right, and it really is amazing how much better I feel overall. I've realized that taking time for ME to do these things really does keep me sane and calm.
Congratulations! Deep breathing always helps me stay calm.
Tag you're it chica. Come on over and see your assignment
Hi I'm new here and new to blogging. I love connecting with people from all walks of life! I have enjoyed your posts and congratulations on #100!!!! My stress relief is singing really loud to a good song. I just let it out! Thanks for the great giveaway! Stop by and say "hi" anytime!
Happy 100th!!
My trying to stay calm method is taking a nice hot bath, with candles and smelly good stuff all around me..
oh!!! wow! thats great I hope U would choose me hehehe!!! i would love to have a lavender flower hehe!!!
what makes me clam?
definitely these are the reasons that makes me calm the thunder storm, the snow storm, the rain its like a magic. I would definitely be calm and i just love listening to it till my mind is engulf with different kinds of memories both happy and sad...but deep within me i am as calm as i can be...
Happy 100 post to you... I don't know how many I have done, I will have to go and check!
Happy 100th post!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours!
Hooray for 100 posts!
Deep breathing helps me stay calm. Also making sure that I exercise and take some time for myself.
I love soothing music and candles, mostly with cinnamon scents. Brings back wonderful memories for me.
But sometimes to stay calm, I turn everything off ~ TV, music, everything. And just practice the Presence of God.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words. Come back and visit anytime!
Congrats on your 100th post!
Blogging helps me stay calm... and listening to hymns.... and praying
Congrats on your 100th post!!!
This is awesome!!! Your blog is absolutely fabulous!
Hi Shauna, It's lovely to meet you :) Thank you so much for visiting with me . Hope you have a wonderful week.
Congrats on your 100th post!!
Isn't blogging the best :)
Take Care
Happy 100th...probably too late but blogging/writing makes me calm. :) XOXO
Am I too late?
Happy 100th post Shauna!!!!
♥♥ i know i missed the giveaway but i still wanted to tell you congrats on the 100th post!! that's great! ♥♥
How do you do it?? Get so many reader? This is a amazing response. I am very impressed. m
Happy 100!!
What keeps me calm is a nice cup of tea or a glass of wine and some good music.
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