Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Updated Profile...

I decided to change my picture on my profile to me instead of Tigger on this blog! I had a lot of people saying they like to see a face with a name on the comments. Just wanted to let you all know so when you see me in your comments instead of Tigger from this blog you know who I am :) Hope you all have a great day!


Unknown said...

Good idea!!

Unknown said...

Cute picture!

Jan said...

I have to admit, you are way cuter than tigger. I am just saying.

ewe are here said...

Very nice to 'see' you. :-)

whoopsadasie said...

I agree..this is MUCH better!! You are sooo pretty!

Kate said...

I love seeing your picture. Your block is great. Hope you are having a great week.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

WOW...great pic! I loved that you got together with other bloggers! HOw fun!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

You mean you're not a cartoon character?????


You look great! It's nice to really meet you!!!

TJ said...

Good to see you again!

Anonymous said...

I like this pic. You are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Much better! I love the picture of you!

Trish said...

Awww! I love Tigger, but you are much better looking than he is! Keep the pic! It's awesome!

Karies place said...

You've got Tigger beat by a long shot. :)

Nonna said...

Hi sweetie, glad to see the cute you !

Nonna said...

I want to know why you picked Tigger ???

Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

Cute picture! :)

Goob said...

I like you ALOT better than tigger...

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Hugs back to ya! And yes, I knew who you were! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification! I was wondering who you were :) I like your picture!

trublubyu said...

is there a happier blog out there than yours? i don't think so...

Liz said...

I am so glad to see your face!

Amanda said...

I was so glad to see you too! I was beginning to think Tiger was the author. ;) You are better looking for sure!

chelle said...

Cute pic.

I do like to see a face with the comment. But that is just me and I don't have my face on my profile, so I should talk!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

PLEASE don't feel bad if you don't get over there very often!! I love comments but my self esteem is not built upon them. SO it is all good. ;0) m

HaYn Mama said...

Yay! That's a great pic!

Wendyburd1 said...

Love the pic Tigger!!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You are so pretty, I'm glad you came out from behind Tigger :-)

Jessica said...

missed you, thanks!

Lilly said...

I agree good on you. You are very pretty!!

Thora said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - it's always fun to have new readers and commenters! (and the blogger's lunch looked fun. I wish I lived in a central blogging location :()

Debbie said...

It is a darling photo. I don't have my picture either but people are so used to my avatar, I think they'd be sad to see it go:)

Celine said...

You look great!

jennykate77 said...

Hey! Thanks for the follow! I'm now following you too☺ I ♥ your blog!

Happy Wednesday!

Cajoh said...

Good picture. Looks like you are smirking after giving your comment— "yea, that's what I said" LOL.

Sharon said...

Thank you .. for the comment & for the visit! My blog is seriously lacking as far as needing to be kept up to date but that's a goal for this year. I love yours .. very inspiring for me!!

Stephanie said...

Cute picture! Thanks for always stopping by my blog. I finally got you uploaded to my bloglines so I'll never forget again :)

mCat said...

Me likey! I LOVE tigger yes, but a real pic is always better~

Jen said...

Love it! It's a beautiful pic! Good choice.

Anonymous said...


Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Now I know what you look like, but I must admit I also like the Tiger too.

Mummy McTavish said...

Nice photo. I can't pick a photo I want to look at so often so I am just keeping the family shot till I get a good one.

Wolf picked up the change in the followers list straight away. "who's that" "that was tigger" "oh... what?" "her name is shauna but her pic used to be tigger" "okay, makes sense now"

We have deep profound conversations like that all the time:)

Bo said...

Hi Shauna...what a cutie pie you are...even cuter than Tigger!
;-) Bo

Grammy Staffy said...

Cute picture.
Shauna I tried to take part in your good book club but I couldn't take part because I don't have an account and a password. I put in my google name and password but that didn't work. I will try again.
Right now I am reading Emma and also
Into the light by Keith Terry

both are really good.
Have a good day, Hugs, Lura

Chelsea said...

I like the picture. And look! No double chin! ♥

Carla said...

What a pretty girl you are!!!

Sue said...


Lisa Loo said...

Love the real you!

Donna said...

I love your Tigger profile picture, but this one is great too. It's nice to put your lovely face with the name! :)

Devri said...

I love it, you are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Yay, a real face with a real name! I love your background, though -- very sweet!

-Melissa- said...

cute picture! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs ♥

Kellie said...

You're beautiful!