Sunday, March 22, 2009

Let's choose to be happy :)

I l♥ve this quote! I know our Heavenly Father loves us and wants each one of us to be happy! I hope today you choose to be happy!
Big Warm (((HUGS))) with lots of l♥ve from me to each of You :)


Jan said...

Thanks Shauna. There is always choice for sure.

Keetha Broyles said...

I love that saying, AND that little pile of rocks. It makes me wonder, is it a little Inuit rock pile???

Devri said...

Thanks for the reminder.. hugs.

That Janie Girl said...

I LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing!

Karies place said...

I will agree on that. Most days I choose to be happy, but with all the sickness in our family lately, the stress has been there. Thanks for the reminder.

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the reminder that every single day, we can CHOOSE to be happy and thankful for what the Lord has given us.

in time out said...

Very nice post....I thank you for this today.

Just SO said...

That is so true.

Fiauna said...

Thanks for sharing this quote. I love it. It's so true. Unfortunately, I seem to just have learned this. Why couldn't I have learned this twenty years ago?

Emma F said...

Thank you for sharing that Shauna. My attitude has been horrible lately and I really needed it. :) HUGS!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Really a good one!

Lori said...

Thank you Shauna♥ Have a wonderful week! :)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

That is such a great quote. Sometimes it seems easier to be miserable than to make the effort to be happy. But it really is a choice. You're really good at making the choice to spread happiness. ;o)

Jenny said...

That is so true!!! I like that quote too!!

Jennie said...

You are so right. My mom and I were just talking about the same thing yesterday. I'm striving to choose happiness! I want to do more than endure to the end. I want to enjoy to the end!
Have a great week!

Michelle said...

so true! thanks :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great quote!

ShEiLa said...

Isn't this true.

It is just all in our attitude.

Thank you for having a bright and cheery blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi sweet cheeks, great quote! I've missed chatting with you, this past week has been crazy as you know. But I'm back and breathing (semi) normal again.

Happy Monday tootz!

yours truly... said...

aaaah, I love this! Perfect quote to start my Monday!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Oooo, I love that!!! So motivating!! I'm burning it into my brain right now. :)

Heatherlyn said...

I love the quote--except, I'm not positive the amount of work is the same ... still, ultimately, it really is up to us the way we feel.

Donna said...

What a great quote, and a nice picture to go with it.

Claire said...

I LOVE this quote! Thanks!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Oh my goodness...would you believe that I've never heard that quote before today but TODAY, I've seen it twice??? I think the Big Guy is trying to tell me something!

Debbie said...

I tell my kids something similar anytime they are in a funk.

Unknown said...

A great quote.....

Hope you are doing good!

Unknown said...

That is an awesome quote!! Thanks for sharing!

whoopsadasie said...

OHH how true is this! If only... everyone believed this!

mCat said...

I choose to be happy! My Grandma always would say, " I can either laugh or cry, and I choose to laugh". Her mantra has become mine and I say it every FREAKING day!!

Anonymous said...

I love that quote. I am goint to be happy.

Got the package, THANK YOU! Will post all about it tomorrow.

Jodi said...

I totally believe this with ALL my heart! Thanks!

chelle said...

I am working hard. I will let you guess at which one. m

Pedaling said...

words to live by.
thanks for the reminder.

Mom24 said...

That is a great quote. I so wish that some people in my life could learn this.

Unknown said...

I love this quote!! Thanks for sharing it, and thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed day!!

Deb said...

I think I need to have that quote made into vinyl and put it on my bathroom mirror, on the wall in my classroom, and as a wallet sized card for my purse!