It is time for another Girls Rule Giveaway to help celebrate my girl retreat! Winner gets a special package full of l♥vely gifts to pamper herself with! What more could a girl ask for :) All you have to
do to enter is leave a comment on this post!
This fun giveaway will end April 9th and I will post the lucky winner April 10th. Good Luck

eryone :) ♥ Hugs!
Girls rule, Boys drool :)
Great giveaway Shauna♥
GReat fun COunt me in!
Oh, boy, this sounds like a great giveaway...thanks for letting us have a chance to win.
xo bj
This sounds fun. count me in :)
Yippee! I'm in!
Girls totally rule!! Count me in!!
Pick me, please!!
That is such a cute picture! I'm in. :) Thanks for being so sweet!
I had to comment just because that picture cracked me up!!!
Your photo cracks me up!!!
Hmm this sounds cool! I was blog-surfing , actually on the Naulu Tribe blog and found yours! Cool page & maybe I will win :D
I'm in!
Fun! Count me in!
Honey, you are the giving awayest blogger I know!!!!
Pick me, pick me.
sounds divine thanks for the giveaway
Girls rule who "give away" special prizes!
Count me in.
Here I am! ♥
Wow this sounds so fun! You do so many great giveaways! I hope I win!!!
Cool - I am always up for some girly stuff!
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I would LOVE to be pampered! Thanks for a chance!
oooh I hope I win! I need a little pampering... don't we all? :)
Enter me please! I could use some pampering!
Grils do in fact, rule! What a fun giveaway, great idea. (I hope I win!!!)
Sounds great! Thanks for a fun giveaway:)
Shauna I would like to meet you. It would be fun to see you in person.
Next time you are in Texas...
Cute pic! I think my little dog would freak out if he saw another dog wearing a mask. lol
sounds like a great prize! i am getting to the age where i need a pamper.
i will be 1/2 of 100 next week!
How fun is that!@!
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world"...I'm in Shauna...thank you so much LOL !
We do rule. Love your giveaway.
Shauna, you truly rule!
Thanks for being so wonderful and sweet.
Yeah a girly giveaway! Count me in to win!
msboatgal at aol.com
Wow....you are SOOO SWEET!!! a girl can always use some pampering! :O)
You are always doing such cool giveaways --which just goes to show, your life is a giveaway of LOVE
I'm in baby! I love pampering goods!
Girlies rock! What a fun giveaway! :)
I love that pic! Count me in!
I could use that mask the dog is wearing. Pick me!!
shauna! i got your package when i got home form vaction! i posted about it, but not before i greedily ripped it open! thankyou so much!!!! i will eventually get your pay it forward gift to you:) i promise! you are fabulous!
OK, so how long did the dog actually keep that on his/her face?
Thank you for the great giveaway! Please enter me.
Pampering?!?!? I seem to have forgotten what that means!?!?
Sounds like a great giveaway Shauna!!!!
love your giveaways...what else can i say...YOU ROCK GIRL
I love your blog especially Tigger...lol...I collect Tigger so that caught my eye right away... Great giveaway :o)
Enter me! I love contests! And I agree--girls rule :)
Count me in!
Please enter me in your giveaway. I hope you have a wonderful time n your retreat.
Oh, how fun! I want to enter!! =D
I'd love this, it would make a perfect pick-me-up gift for a friend of mine who's father died this year!
ParkingGoddessFTW @ gmail dot com
Super de-Duper!!! I love your giveaways!!!!!!
It would be fun to win and pamper my girls!
Oh oh. Pick me, Pick me!! (waving my hand furiously in the air)
I need some pampering soooo badly.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Awesome!! Girls DO rule! You are the best, Shauna!!
You are so good to do all these giveaways! You rule!
Oh how fun - pamper away!
OOOOPs - last entry wrong email
I'm not sure I even remember what it means to be pampered :)
WOW!! You are so right. Girls do rule. Count me in on this giveaway.Have a nice General Conference weekend!
Yippee skippy!!! Count me in too!!
Love ya!!
Ohh--count me in! Also email your mailing address and I will send you the handmade thing from my Pay it forward post that you entered. cdenton _80 at yahoo dot com
I'll play :) Love that pic-it cracks me up!
WOW! Great blog. First time I've been here...sounds like an awesome give-away.
Thanks for entering for my giveaways! And thanks for your kind words! Best of luck on winning!
Ha Ha I love the picture.
I love the picture of your dog, Very cute. Is it a terrier ?(kinda hard to tell with the mask) Thanks for the great giveaway:)
thanks count me in
Love to have this.
Yay! Giveaways are so fun!
I love all things "girly." Thanks for sharing with us!
Need to be pampered! choose me!
Yay! Can't wait to find out who the winner is!
Just dropping by to say Hi! What a great blog.
As a single mom I could doubly use a day of pampering. Even if I had to do it myself!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Count me in! :) What fun.
contact me at:
Hooray for giveaways!
THanks for stopping by my blog. Count me in for the giveaway.
What a fun giveaway. It sounds perfect!
thanks for stopping by my blog. can't wait to see what you have for the girls rule giveaway!
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
Pick me! Pick me!
Will the winner look as cool as your Super Hero dog?? LOL
Great giveaway!
Pick me!
Sweet I am in sounds awesome fun to win cool girlie stuff count me in. Thanks for checking out my blog your nice
Sooooo many giveaways and so little time!!
Thanks for checking out my blog!
You are one busy gal! If I had my choice I would like gift cards for a giveaway----but I pretty much LOVE anything that I get in the mail....
And by the way----oh, yes---girls rule!!!
We love girly stuff in our house! Thanks for visiting my blog!
girls rule & april is the best month, bdays for my son, my nephew & me .. yay!! what a great bday treat this would be .. thanks!!
thanks for stopping by!!!
ooohhhh, great giveaway!!!
haha! Love the pic. You and your giveaways, LOVE IT!!! :o)
HEY for GIRLS!!! I love bein' a girl.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving a comment.
Love the picture of the dog!
Pampering sounds awesome after a dry winter
This picture cracks me up! I did a post last year where we dressed our dog up in several hats and wigs and stuff. It's one of my favorites.
You are such a fun gal.
Girls rule!
I'm totally cracking up about that picture! I've dressed my dogs up in lots of stuff...but I've never tried my gel mask...dang I wish I'd thought of that! Thanks for having the giveaway! Good luck everyone...including me!
Hi Shauna! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are welcome any time. Your blog is really cute. I'll be back....who knows maybe I'll even win something.
OOops, sorry I commented on the wrong one!! So for ideas... I dunno, anything cute! I don't really care what I win cause it's free ya know :) hope I win!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed looking through yours. You can put me in for the contest.
I just wanted to say that your blog makes me smile. Have a great day.
Count me in! Thanks for the chance!
hehee too cute... love the picture... Only puppy doesn't look to relaxed or happy..
i totally want to win!
Me me me me me me...
yes, pick me!!!
I'm right over here!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. WOW...you have 103 comments, i'm so impressed! this must be a great place to hang out! Can't wait to read more about you! Have a great day! :) Rachelle
Happy Sabbath! Hope you are enjoying conference as much as we are.
darling picture!
I wrote earlier but blogger ate it!
LOVE the pciture!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Here and present and want to be counted...even though I am slow getting to it!!
Thanks for stopping by My Daily Bread!!! I'd love to see you again.....I'm always looking for feedback.
Everytime I stop by, you're having fantastic giveaways!! I'd love to win this one!
How kind you are, just goes to show that girls really do rule!
Yay for girls! asthenight at gmail dot com
LOVE THAT PICTURE!! THat lifts my spirits already!! Count me in!
This is exciting. Thanks for entering my name! ~Natalie
Sounds as if the fun has begun!1 mDon't leave me out! Oh, happy day!
Wonderful offering! One of these days I'm bound to win something. LOL! I love your blog.
Oooh Oooh! Pick me! I am surrounded by boys and need a little more girl power in my life!
What a fun giveaway! I love the picture too. My dogs run under the bed when they see the camera and I can never get a good picture of them.
SaWeet!!!! hope I win. You're so SA-Weet!!!! ♥♥
thanks for checking lil' ol' me out. :)
What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
A giveaway... I want to win, and I should since it's almost my birthday!! :)
Count me in! I like the picture of the dog with the gel eye mask on. So cute!
Sounds great! You are such a giving and thoughtful person!!!!
OOOO, count me in too!
Nice giveaway....sure hope I win it!
What a fun/surprise giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
You have such great giveaways of course you need to count me in!!!
Have a Wonderful week!
don't know if i entered or not but since i really would like to win...here i am again...Now you can say i am stalking you...LOL
Ohhhh I want to win so much! I could use some pampering! I hope you're having a wonderful April so far, my friend!
Girlz really do rule!! Fun giveaway!
Cute giveaway..........pick me!
Whew! I think today is still April 9th! Am I too late? Wouldn't surprise me if I were...Sounds fun!
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