It's time for Spring cleaning and I have some exciting news for you! I get to give away 5 of the new book out Throw Out Fifty Things by Gale Blanke thanks to Hachette Book Company! You can hear the Author tell you a little about the book here. To enter please leave a comment on this post by April 28th and I will post the winner April 29th. Only residents of the US or Canada are eligible. No PO boxes, please. Good Luck everyone :)
I'm in!
Well don't YOU just love the giveaways! How generous of you. :-) Thanks for the chance!
I need to throw out more than 50 things--I would LOVE this book :)
You are so wonderful to get involved in giveaways! And this sounds like a great book!
Funny I am throwing out things right now as I type( ok 5 minutes before I typed!)
Another great giveaway! Count me in!
Man! You have so many awesome giveaways!
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the lovely birthday package you sent. I received it today. So sweet! You are a doll. Thank you so much! :)
You are SOOO sweet... and I need some Spring Cleaning help! *:D*
You don't even know how much I would appreciate this book!! I inherited so much stuff when my Grandmother and father died. Yes, I'm an only child and my mom didn't want it so I got it...Thanks for the chance!!
Wonder Woman
I need to throw out 500 things. I have never moved since I married 31 years ago and so my life and house is full of stuff that I really don't need!
I am purging today. I would love this book even to read from the library:)
You are amazing!♥♥♥
Wahoo! Count me in. Where do you get all of these sponsors? They seem to come out of the woodwork! I think that's pretty darn awesome!
I would love the de-clutter my life!!
I am sooo in
Just listening to her description made me want this book! You have NO idea how difficult letting go of junk is for me. I really need this, seriously.
Please add me in!
Honey, it would take a semi truck to get rid of things around here! I so need that book...and plaster it to my HEAD!
Okay ... sounds like just what I need!
This is a great book! I just bought a copy for myself last week!
Would love to win this book!!
Would love to win this great book!!
OK, I need this!!
What a fun giveaway!!!
If I win this book, I just may throw out 100 things :0)
I think I could learn a few things from this book.
This would be an awesome Birthday gift...Hint...Hint!!
I just saw this book at Barnes and Noble, but wasn't able to get it. I definitely have clutter that needs to be cleared!
I would ♥ this book!! I need to learn how to let go!! Plus we are probably moving soon & this would be a great book to go by.
I am a pack rat so I suppose I shall enter this!
Ohh, I think I need that.
I would l♥ve to win ! :)
Thanks for giving these away! I so need to throw 50 things away :)
Maybe I'll win one!
I'm in the middle of spring cleaning, I could really use this book!
I need to declutter sooooo bad! Give me some inspiration!
Another book, Yes!!
You have no idea how much my parents need this book. I spent a couple of weeks with them in St. George Ut just trying to clear out all their clutter. We then had a yard sale and sold some of it. However, what I did for them still does not put a dent on how much clutter they still have lying around their house. They use excuses like they work full time and don't have time to clean it up, or over time you just accumulate stuff and keep it around. I know these things are true but I also feel it is a disease for some people. Anyways...If I was ever to win anything, this would be the one I would want. Trust me, it would go to good use not only around my house but also to my parents and if I do win and send my folks this book, hopefully it won't end up as another piece of clutter lying around their house. haha. Heather M.
I need to throw stuff out... I need to read this book!!!
sounds like my kind of read and my kind of need thanks for the giveaway
Oh man... I NEED that book!
count me in
Wow, I need that book!
Sounds like a much needed book!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am such a pack rat - of both material and mental things! I am sure this book would be a godsend to my household!
I'm a real pack rat, so I could definitely use this. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for visiting! Yeah count me in, I would love to win one of those books I surely do need it believe me!:)
I have been hearing great reviews about this book would love to own a company, I am a pack rat I tend to accumlate things with the ideal of using them at later date but never get around to it. Thanks for the giveawy
sharr1226 at yahoo dot com
I could use this book. I'm trying to declutter our house.
I have been working on clearing out stuff in my home. I even joined a book swapping site, to get rid of things that aren't used. I just have to stop myself from getting more books to fill the holes.
count me in I wanna win!
Oh yeah. This is one for me. My mom was a HUGE pack rat and I've been trying desperately to not be as bad as she was, but honestly it's rare to ever see any counter space at my house. I need some organization help!
Very cool! I would love to read this book!
I would love this book. I am a little of a pack rat. Thanks for the chance
I love clutter-busting!
thats one book i could use..lol
I need this so badly! Every week I clean and put away and organize and before I know it I'm at a desk full of stuff again!
i just read about this book .. oh how i could use it, i definitely need to throw out way more than 50 things! i am attempting to go through things now & try to clean/declutter .. ha, wish me luck!
thanks for another great giveaway!!
I definitely need this. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
My inability to get through clutter is my biggest housekeeping hurdle...please enter me.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Oh heck- I will throw out 100 things if it will help. Thanks for the giveaway.
Yeah, I could use some inspiration on getting rid of stuff!!!
emvark at gmail dot com
Oh wow, this is a GOOD one! Something we all could use! Count me in:-)
Oh my goodness if you saw my house you'd know how much I NEED that book!
this sounds right up my alley!! thanks for the opp!
I'll leave a comment to be included!
I would love a way to organize my life a little!!
Count me in! I need to throw away 150 things!!!
I really need this book! :)
Hmmm.....this might be helpful in my quest to de-clutter my house. That and a miracle! ;o)
My partner is a clutter bug, so we definitely need this!
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
I need to declutter! Thanks for entering me in this one.
i am totally in need of this book, if i don't win it, i may just ned to buy it!
I'm in, I really could use this book this spring!
Happy monday Shauna!
Wow i love this one! You are having tons of giveaways. Kudos to you! I need to do one soon!
I'm afraid I'd have to throw away a LOT more than fifty things. . .maybe fifty sets of fifty things. . . :O)
I'm cleaning out in preparation for packing and moving--I'd love some guidance on throwing things away!!!
I TOTALLY need this book. I've been unindated with junk and can't take it anymore! Pick me! Pick me! ;)
Taxes are done and we're starting up the painting again...room by room. This book would be wonderful. And I'm giving this mention on blog Friday. Even the title of the book inspires me. Have a great day, Shauna.
Sounds like a great book epesialy for you know who!!
I think I really need this book! I hope I win.
I need to throw out about twice that much. I'd love the book.
I'd love to be inspired to do a little spring cleaning.
Cool! I need to throw out about 1,000 things!
oooooo...count me in tootz
I so need this. My husband is always wanting to throw things out and I can't seem to let go of things.
Sounds like the perfect book for me!
Awesome!!!! I'm all for cleaning out clutter. Hope I win.
I love her quote, "You can't grow, if you don't let go!" Tomorrow morning I'm collecting 50 things to let go and then I'm listing them on my blog for future reference. This is one book I've got to read!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
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