So yesterday morning my youngest son comes upstairs while I am in a deep sleep and says... "Mom there is water pouring down out of the ceiling onto your computer". NOT a good sign! After having several neighbors come over to help me move desks, computers etc then we called a plumber to come out. He had to replace a pipe! Now I am sitting here at my kitchen table on my computer. This picture below is now what my ceiling looks like right above where my desk and computer used to be. It's amazing all the damage one little pipe breaking can cause!

Thanks to my son I am set up to be able to use my computer at the kitchen table for now until we get my house in order. We have fans blowing and hope to soon be able to start replacing sheet rock etc. What a MESS!!
Yikes! What a headache that is. I hope it gets fixed up real quick.
Oh NO! That is awful. I think water messes are the WORST! We had a minor flood in our basement clean-out drain (from the kitchen) a few weeks ago. It was NOT fun. Good luck!
Hate it when that happens. Hope the computer didn't get damaged.
Oh no! I hope it gets fixed soon!
That's awful! I hope you can get everything fixed quickly. Good luck!
Suddenly the name of your blog takes on a whole new meaning . . .
I am so sorry. That is an awful mess. water messes are the worst. thanks for sharing. I like picturing you at your computer. thanks for the picture. hugs, and hope it will clean up quickly.
That's just awful! I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope it doesn't end up costing you an arm and a leg to get it all fixed. Call me if you need help with anything.
That is horrible! Broken water pipes and backed up sewers have got to be the messiest ordeals.
What a nightmare! I'm glad things are basically salvaged at least:)
Oh man! Good thing you saved the computer! Whew
Good luck on patching the ceiling. Hey, if you keep going up can you just put a skylight in?
ARRRRGGHHH!!! Good luck with the repairs...
Sorry sorry Shauna. That is just not a fun situation to be in. Happy blowing dry.
Oh Noooooooooooooooo!! I hope that it is fixed ASAP!!
Oh that is a bummer...but your back up office looks pretty comfy to me!!!! ;)
No Way!!! What a bummer ... good thing you know how to stay calm (hee hee) cuz that might have blown one of my gaskets!!! Hope all gets resolved quickly - your computer set up sure looks nice, however! :) Great big hug for you!
That is a mess! And a wonderful son!
ooohhh. . . Sorry Shauna. Chaos is so exhausting. I hope thigns get put back together quickly, but I just knew this would be a "lemonade" post, looking at the bright side of things. I'm glad your computer survived so you could share the moment!
How horrible!! I'm glad your computer wasn't ruined!!
That's horrible!!! Thank GOODNESS he woke you up! And yay for great neighbors, too!!
It's great that your computer is OK.
A little bit of water can cause so much damage!!!!! We dealt with that last year. It all turned out well. Thank goodness for homeowners insurance!
Your post is making me cry. I hate when stuff like that happens. We had a leak this winter and just got it fixed and then one project turned into fifty. I hope you are able to have everything go very smoothly! VERY SMOOTHLY!!!!
Oh no! I hope everything gets fixed soon!
Oh no! Hope you can get things fixed quickly.
what a bummer! at least you can use your computer- blogging is all that matters right? :)
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear! Ironically, on Monday our basement flooded due to a pipe break, but we didn't sustain the type of damage you did. I hope everything gets fixed soon and stress free!
Wow good kid for noticing, or you may be buying a new computer as we speak!!
Wow. That really sucks.
Hopefully you can get it fixed soon!
I am so sorry for you! I hope you have lots of help and things get back to normal quickly.
Yikes!!! Well, at least your computer was ok!
Good luck on the repairs though, no fun!!
That's terrible! Hope it gets fixed quickly!
I'm totally impressed your comp still works! It must have it's own gardian angel Good luck with the repair men -
Oh gosh, it's like deja basement flooded and I had to move my computer upstairs. Now it's hooked up to a big tv in my husbands office and I sit in a leather lounge chair and type. I'm so glad to still have my computer!
Yuck! Good thing the computer is okay!
When ut rains it pours. I am so sorry this had to happen. Good luck with cleaning up.
There is nothing worse than water damage to deal with. Well, there is, but it seems the worst. lol.
I had a pipe in the attic attached to the swamp cooler break and the water came pouring down from the ceiling. I said who puts a swamp cooler pipe in the attic? I'd never seen that before.
You are lucky that your computer is still working after all that.I hope you are able to get it all repaired soon.
Nope, don't stay calm over that one... that's a freak out situation!
Nope, don't stay calm over that one... that's a freak out situation!
Good thing your little guy caught it before it was any worse! Hope all will be well.
Thanks for stopping by, I love it when I get a new visitor! I am still new to blogging, I am amazed at all the talented women out there!!!
Oh no!! I detest flooding! It is my nightmare....
OH MAN!!! What a bummer!!! Do you need any virtual helpers?!? :)
I'm so amazed and glad that your computer wasn't ruined! :)
Oh what a pain leaks and water damage are! I'm sorry you had to endure this hassle...hopefully all will be fixed soon without too much cost! Hang in there! With love from Colorado, Denise :-) fun at all! I cannot imagine something like that happening. I hope everything dries out soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope to "see" you around soon :)
Oh.My.Word!!! Not the computer!!! LOL! That would have been my first thought! I hope it all gets fixed real soon!
Oh my! I hope your house is back to normal in no time. Good luck w/ the patchwork!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
oh goodness, you do have a mess!!! i hope you are able to get things fixed and back in working order, soon:) thank you for stopping by the lane; come again:)
Oh, how awful to have to contend with such a mess, Shauna. At least your computer was not damaged, thankfully!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I loooove your Tigger background. Our little 5 1/2 month old grandson loooooves Tigger, if you can believe that! *smile*
Wall shmall...IS YOUR COMPUTER OKAY!?!?!?!?!?! haha, jk. :) What a mess!!! I hope you're able to get everything cleaned up soon!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I always love meeting new blogging buddies. :)
Hope your house is getting put back together after the pipe break. Nothing like a little leak that can cause big damage! YIKES!
Wow I am so sorry! What a mess! We still have sheet rock work to do from when out p-Trap flooded and went through the wall and down throught he ceiling of the kitchen below. That was right before the wedding showers and weddings and Christmas.
Thank Goodness we have a wonderful insurance company who helped out with a fair check! I hope that helps you also!
I hope all is well with your computer equipment. Good Luck!
eek! what a mess! have you been able to stay calm during all this chaos?! ;) I hope there wasn't too much damage!
oh no...what a nightmare! We've had leaks too...small leak=BIG MESS! hope it's all dried up sooN!
OHHHHH!!!! that is NOT fun! hope it is getting fixed quickly!!
Sorry to see you doing some home repair that was unplanned. Hope it is all getting fixed quickly.
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