It’s time to clear the air. And now there’s an easy, portable, proactive way to do it.
The EPA says indoor air may be 5 times more polluted than the air outside, and most of us spend approximately 90% of our time indoors. If you have weather-tight doors and windows, pets, or smoke, you could be adding to the problem. That’s why you need the new, whisper-quiet ProShield Plus Air Purifier – the easy, portable, proactive way to help clean the air in your home. It circulates the air, filters out allergens, dirt, and other airborne irritants, captures and kills viruses and germs, and breaks down odors and volatile organic compounds such as chemical fumes and aerosol vapors – with the new Helios Shield™ permanent odor absorber.
Great for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers.
Every time you close your front door, you’re sealing yourself in with airborne bacteria, dust, germs, and allergens. Some you can smell. Most you can’t. The new Oreck ProShield™ Plus helps reduce those nasty particulates in homes, and actually improves air quality. At the same time, it also helps eliminate odors. That’s becuase the Oreck ProShield Plus constantly moves the air, drawing in and trapping those particulates. Its unique new Helios Shield™ UV odor control technology and exclusive Truman Cell™ captures pet dander, dust, and other harmful allergens that can drive asthma and allergy sufferers crazy.
Contemporary styling. Advanced engineering. Compact design. Complete portability.
The secret to the new Oreck ProShield Plus’s powerful performance is Oreck’s exclusive “capture and kill” filtration system. As the air circulates through it, Oreck’s patented Truman Cell electronically charges dust, allergens, and germs and pulls them out of the air like a magnet. Then Oreck’s newest innovation, the revolutionary Helios Shield utilizes UV light for superior odor control capability. That type of cleaning power gives Oreck the ability to wipe out many viruses, neutralize volatile organic compounds, and eliminate odors as it circulates the air through its system.
Whisper-quiet, easy to use, and environmentally friendly.
The ProShield Plus features easy-to-use controls and offers three different speed settings – high for maximum cleaning, medium for normal use, and silence for quietest operation. A handy remote control allows you to turn the power on or off, and adjust the odor control feature, motor speed, and night light – all from across the room. The Truman Cell™ permanent filter never needs to be replaced – which saves you money and reduces waste. Other air purifiers rely on expensive HEPA filters that have to be replaced and can eventually end up in a landfill. With the ProShield Plus, you simply rinse clean the filter, let dry, and re-insert.
The ProShield Plus Air Purifier is the smart, simple, and energy efficient way to clean the air in your home and help protect your family. Powerful and portable with the ability to lay flat or on its side, it can be easily moved from room to room, where kids and animals play, where smokers gather, or where mold and other allergens are a concern.
You will smell and breathe the difference it can make in your home.
1 – 200 of 732 Newer› Newest»I could really use something like this with the allergies both myself and my kids suffer from. Thanks for the chance to win it
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This looks amazing! I'd love to win to see if it helps our baby's breathing..I would love to hear him breathe and be able to nurse without so much congestion!
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Wow would love this!
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I think this could help with my sinus problems, I would like to be entered in the drawing
With the way my husband cooks this will help after hes done burning the food!
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Seriously! That is an amazing give away! Really? Oh, my husband has deathly allergies. That would be a great blessing to us! Hope we win!!
Please enter me!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
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This is amazing! I'd love to win!
awesome giveaway!!!
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OMG I would so love to win this, my allergies would be helped with this sooo much.
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this is nice.
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I would love to have this to help with the kids allergies
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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Cool giveaway! I am all over this!
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Oreck makes some good stuff! This would totally help me with my allergies!
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Great giveaway! I really need one as I have Asthma and my gd has cystic fibrosis so would be great to have one in our house
ravish30 at aol dot com
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Would love to have something that would keep my home smelling good and free of allergens!
count me In!
Wow! Really cool giveaway! I follow
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I would love to win this as I have allergies and this would sure help... thanks for another great giveaway
This would be SO great. My husband and I both have allergies and it looks as though our LO is going to have them too.
This is exactly what I need!
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My husband has been talking about getting one of these. I would love to win one instead of buying one! amylbreeden@gmail.com
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I sure could use some fresh clean air!!
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Oh we could really use this. I have 4 boys and a baby on the way and it seems as though we have been hit with every illness possible this winter! I also have several in my family with allergies. We have pets in the house as well. (Boys are always bringing something new home!) Thanks for the great giveaway!
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I would love this because we live in an old house and find ourselves always congested. I think the Oreck air purifier would really help us!
charmtime at gmail dot com
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this would be so great in our cat/dog filled house
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myself and my kids all suffer from allergies and 2 of them have asthma, i would so love to try this and help ease the allergy issues , would be GREAT
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We have wanted one of these for a while!
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This looks very cool. Our granddaughter has a bit of asthma.
I need this right now..pneumonia. anything to make it easier to breathe.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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Oh this would be fantastic for my husband and son who really suffer from allergies. Hope I win!
What a fantastic product! Thank you for your giveaway!
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roswello athotmail dot com
My household could really use a good air purifier! Two cats in the house, need I say more?
Thanks for a great giveaway!
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This is an awesome giveaway!
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With all the allergies that we've started experiencing, I have a feeling this would help immensely at our house!
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Count me in! I have stinky teenage boys and two asthmatics! This sounds like a great thing to have.
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This would be really good for our family. Air quality is important!
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crysneedy at aol dot com
Due to health this would be great and this is a reputable breand!
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This is a great product. Both myself and my son suffer from allergies.
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i could really use this,my b/f has terrible allergies and little man coughs so much
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oh ya this sounds great!
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I love that you don't have to buy filters for this ever!
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Boy, this would sure help with my family's allergies! Great giveaway!
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I would love to own this!
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This would be so great for my DD who has alergies and Asthma.
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