Co-Starring Oscar Winner Julie Andrews And Ashley Judd,
The Magic Takes Flight On Blu-ray And DVD May 4
The Magic Takes Flight On Blu-ray And DVD May 4
Bonus Features Include A Tooth Fairy Training Center,
Fairy-oke, Deleted Scenes, A Gag Reel and Much More
Fairy-oke, Deleted Scenes, A Gag Reel and Much More
In the spirit of The Game Plan and The Pacifier comes a funny “fish out of water comedy” perfect for the entire family. Hilarious and wholesome, Tooth Fairy arrives on Blu-ray Disc/DVD Triple Play and DVD May 4 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Dwayne Johnson (The Game Plan) stars as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname comes from his ability to knock out other players’ teeth. After discouraging a youngster’s hopes, he is ordered to one week’s hard labor as the real Tooth Fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first he “can’t handle the tooth,” but eventually learns how to adapt to his new position and finds himself rediscovering his own forgotten dreams.
From Emmy award-winning director Michael Lembeck (“Friends”), the whimsical adventure features a stellar supporting cast including Academy Award winner Julie Andrews (Enchanted),
Ashley Judd (Crossing Over, Helen), Stephan Merchant (“The Office”), and professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler. The Tooth Fairy Blu-ray with Digital Copy lets the good times soar to new heights with interactive special features including the Tooth Fairy Training Center – a high-energy kid-friendly boot camp that will get the whole family off the couch and into the fun – featurettes, deleted scenes, a gag reel and much more. The single disc DVD will include the “Tooth Fairy Training Center” featurette and Fairy-oke.
Ashley Judd (Crossing Over, Helen), Stephan Merchant (“The Office”), and professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler. The Tooth Fairy Blu-ray with Digital Copy lets the good times soar to new heights with interactive special features including the Tooth Fairy Training Center – a high-energy kid-friendly boot camp that will get the whole family off the couch and into the fun – featurettes, deleted scenes, a gag reel and much more. The single disc DVD will include the “Tooth Fairy Training Center” featurette and Fairy-oke.
Blu-ray/DVD Triple Play Special Features:
Disc One:
· Tooth Fairy Blu-ray
· “Train to be a Tooth Fairy” interactive feature
· Fairy-oke
· Gag Reel
· Deleted Scenes with Optional Introductions
· “Behind the Scenes”
o Behind the Scenes” with Lem and Jake and
o Lem and Jake Talk About VFX: Before and After
o 1st Assignment with Storyboards
o Wings and Fairy Things - Costume Design
o Flights, Tights and Fairy FX - How The Magic Was Brought To Life
o Creating Fairyland - Production Design
Disc Two:
· Tooth Fairy feature
Disc Three:
· Digital Copy
Single-Disc DVD Special Features
· Tooth Fairy feature
· “Train to be a Tooth Fairy” interactive feature
· Fairy-oke
Release Date: May 4, 2010
Screen Format: Widescreen – 1.85:1 (BD/DVD)
U.S. Rating: PG
Total Run Time: 102 minutes
Closed Captioned: DVD only
Now here's the really exciting part...
I get to give away two of this DVD!
To win...
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Giveaway ends on Tues. May 25th, 2010.
*I received the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*
1 – 200 of 308 Newer› Newest»Yay I am #1. LOL although it rarely wins. I am still excited about being first.
We just love the Rock and my daughter has a huge crush on him. We would love to see this movie.
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This looks like a cute movie to see!
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We took our girls to this is the theater, super good movie, would love to own it.
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I'd love to win this for my niece. It's one of her favorite movies right now.
Thank you for the giveaway!
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anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I am already a follower of all your blogs...My boys want to see this one...Still going by THE ROCK in my house...haha! Looks like a hoot! Thanks for the chance of winning it!
Would be a great family night movie! Thanks for the giveaway!!
schaefer7382 (at) aol (dot) com
oh, i wanna see this!!!!
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How can you not like "The Rock" he is the GREATEST...We LOVE him!! Can't wait to see this movie..
Great Giveaway!
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I love The Rock. He's a hottie. We loved him in The Game Plan.
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I would love to win this DVD
It looks so cute
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I would love to see this movie
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My daughter would love to have this movie! Thanks for the chance!
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We saw this show. It is a hoot. I really enjoyed it!
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Cute movie.
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anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
This looks like fun.
fun movie! would love this! thanks!
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Looks like a great film for a family library!
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anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
This is a great movie. Only 1 of my children saw it and the other two would love to have the chance to see this. Thanks for offering this movie.
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Hey this would be great to watch
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This looks like it'd be a fun movie to watch!! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
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I know this is a cute flik we missed it @ the movies birdson@roadrunner.com
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My daughter has been waiting to see this...looks like a funny family night movie!
thanks for the chance!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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