Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Karate Kid DVD Giveaway...

THE KARATE KID streets on October 5, 2010 on DVD, Blu-ray, and Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack!
12-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's (Taraji P. Henson) latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts "the karate kid" on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.

Rating: PG
Jaden Smith
Jackie Chan
Taraji P. Henson

Now here's the exciting part...

I get to give one lucky winner The Karate Kid DVD and a pair of official The Karate Kid chopsticks!

To win...

Leave a comment 1 entry
Tweet about this 1 entry daily
Follow my blogs 1 entry per blog
Follow me on Twitter here 2 entries
Add my buttons to your blog 1 entry each

Follow The Karate Kid on Twitter here 2 entries

Like The Karate Kid on Facebook here 3 entries

Click on my Positive Thoughts Button and comment
(1 entry daily by clicking here)

Blog about the giveaway and leave me a link 5 entries
(please leave a comment for each entry)

Giveaway ends on Tues. Oct. 19th, 2010.


*I do not receive any money for my posts. I do however receive the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*


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Unknown said...

I loved the original Karate Kid and would love to see this one!

Lisanne said...

I'd like to see this movie :)

James said...

I am in

James said...


James said...

Follow You on Twitter 1

James said...

Follow You on Twitter 2

James said...

Follow TKK on Twitter 1

James said...

Follow TKK on Twitter 2

Pain SUX said...

I'd love to win this one for the kids and I.


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

My kids loved the original movie so I know they'd love this.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I have this blog button.

AutumH said...

My 7 year old loves the original Karate Kid movies and absolutely died when I took him to see this one. This would make such an awesome birthday gift for him if I won. Thanks for the opportunity.


AutumH said...

tweeted this giveaway- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/26481254411


AutumH said...

Follow this blog through GFC - AutumH.


AutumH said...

Follow you on twitter-AutumH


AutumH said...

Follow you on twitter-AutumH


AutumH said...

Follow The Karate Kid on twitter-AutumH


AutumH said...

Follow The Karate Kid on twitter-AutumH


Natalie A. said...

This movie was great! Thanks for the chance to win!

Natalie A. said...

I follow you on Twitter! @natdey

Natalie A. said...

I follow you on Twitter! @natdey

Natalie A. said...

I follow this blog!

Natalie A. said...

I follow SS!

Natalie A. said...

I follow BG!

Natalie A. said...

I have the TTSC Button!

Natalie A. said...

I have the BG Button!

Natalie A. said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/26482447348

Natalie A. said...

I follow them on Twitter~ @natdey

Natalie A. said...

I follow them on Twitter~ @natdey

Natalie A. said...

I like them on Facebook! Natalie Aho.......

Natalie A. said...

I like them on Facebook! Natalie Aho....... 2

Natalie A. said...

I like them on Facebook! Natalie Aho.......


Minnie said...

Oh we want to see this please count us in

Minnie said...

Follow this here site

Minnie said...

Follow Book giveaways

Minnie said...

Follow Seeking Sisterhood

Minnie said...

Button for Trying

Minnie said...

Button for Book giveaways

Minnie said...

Button for Seeking Sisterhood

Minnie said...

Twitter follow you 1

Minnie said...

Twitter follow you 2

S Club Mama said...

oh sorry, I meant to comment first - I love the original Karate Kid.

S Club Mama said...

I follow on Twitter 1

S Club Mama said...

I follow Twitter 2

Monica said...

My husband has been wanting to see this.


Team JC said...

Please count me in!
ctgriffin99 (at) aol (dot) com

Team JC said...

I am following your blog!
ctgriffin99 at aol dot com

Deanna said...

I know karate...and at least 3 other Japanese words
deannalw47 @ hotmail.com

Deanna said...

deannalw47 @ hotmail.com

Deanna said...

positive thought comment! (it's a good one)
deannalw47 @ hotmail.com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

My son would love this thanks!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Twitter follower!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Twitter follower!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Following Karate Kid on Twitter!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Following Karate Kid on Twitter!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Blog GFC follower!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Commented on your positive thoughts post!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Phyllis said...

great movie

Phyllis said...

I follow.

Phyllis said...

You're on my blog.

Karla S said...

I would love to win this ,seems like a great movie to watch with the fam!

Karla S said...

I follow you on twitter(1)

Karla S said...

I follow you on twitter(2)

Karla S said...

I follow this blog with gfc

Karla S said...

I follow you book giveaway blog

Karla S said...

I follow the sisterhood blog

Karla S said...

I clicked on the positive thoughts button & left a comment

AutumH said...

Daily tweet- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/26555336276


Diva and Mom said...

Loved the movie! Following you on Twitter.

Cheryl said...

I would love to win this movie because I am a huge fan of the original.

Cheryl said...

I follow your blog.

Cheryl said...

I follow you on Twitter


Cheryl said...

I follow you on Twitter



Cheryl said...

I follow your Sisterhood blog.

Cheryl said...

I follow the Karate Kid on Twitter



Cheryl said...

I follow the Karate Kid on Twitter



Cheryl said...

I follow Karate Kid on Facebook


Cheryl said...

I follow Karate Kid on Facebook


Cheryl said...

I follow Karate Kid on Facebook


Anonymous said...

My son would love this! He has been wanting to see it, but we never got around to going and seeing it.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Trying to Stay Calm
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Book Giveaways
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following Seeking Sisterhood
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following The Karate Kid on Twitter
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following The Karate Kid on Twitter
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like The Karate Kid on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like The Karate Kid on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like The Karate Kid on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

This was my favorite movie of the year! I would love to watch it again on DVD.

Ruth said...

My daughter would love this!


Ruth said...

gfc follower of this blog


Ruth said...

gfc follower of your sisterhood blog


Ruth said...

gfc follower of your book giveaway blog


Ruth said...

facebook fan of karate kid


Ruth said...

facebook fan of karate kid 2


Ruth said...

facebook fan of karate kid 3


Ruth said...

posted on your positive buton


Gosfam said...

We took the girls when this was in theaters--great movie, would love to own it.

Gosfam said...

I follow all 3 blogs #1

Gosfam said...

I follow all 3 blogs #2

Gosfam said...

I follow all 3 blogs #3

Gosfam said...

I have all 3 buttons #1

Gosfam said...

I have all 3 buttons #2: enjoylifeenjoynow dot com

Gosfam said...

All 3 buttons #3

Gosfam said...

I follow you on twitter #1: gosfam

Gosfam said...

I follow you on twitter #2: Gosfam

Gosfam said...

I follow Karate Kid on twitter: Gosfam

Gosfam said...

I follow Karate Kid on twitter #2

Gosfam said...

I like The Karate Kid on FB: Gosfam

Gosfam said...

I like The Karate Kid on FB #2: Gosfam

Gosfam said...

I like The Karate Kid #3: Gosfam

Natalie A. said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/26628330716

AutumH said...

Daily tweet- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/26657253934


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to seeing this

Karla S said...

daily tweet

Cheryl said...

Daily Tweet


AutumH said...

Daily tweet- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/26750619736


Pam said...

Heck ya we want this!

Pam said...

Blogged entry 1

Pam said...

Blogged entry 2

Pam said...

Blogged entry 3

Pam said...

Blogged entry 4

Pam said...

Blogged entry 5

Pam said...


Pam said...

Twitter 2

Pam said...


Pam said...

Sisterhood Follow

Pam said...

Book Follow

Pam said...

Buttons 1

Pam said...

Buttons 2

Pam said...

Buttons 3

Dynamics said...

I cannot wait to see how this Karate Kid is done.

Cheryl said...

Daily Tweet


Unknown said...

My son and I have been dieing to see this! Jayden Smith is so adorable!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog through GFC

Unknown said...

Follow you on Twitter

Unknown said...

Follow you on Twitter

Unknown said...

I Follow The Karate Kid on Twitter!

Unknown said...

I Follow The Karate Kid on Twitter!

Unknown said...

I follow The Karate Kid on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow The Karate Kid on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow The Karate Kid on Facebook!

Katie said...

Oh my, I have to enter this for my husband...he's been talking about Karate Kid this and Karate Kid that for the last week!

katiellloyd at yahoo

Natalie A. said...

tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/26815752670

Natalie A. said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/26870510422

Karla S said...

daily tweet

Cheryl said...

Daily Tweet


Anonymous said...

I would like to win this. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow this blog via GFC. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your book giveaway blog via GFC. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow my sisterhood blog via GFC. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I commented on your positive thoughts button. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Cheryl said...

Daily Tweet


Natalie A. said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/26985293083

Evelyn said...

Ooh, count me in!

Evelyn said...

I follow your blog

Evelyn said...

I follow your book giveaway blog

Evelyn said...

I follow your Sisterhood blog.

Evelyn said...

I have this button on my blog:-)

Evelyn said...

I have your book button on my blog.

Evelyn said...

I have the sisterhood button on my blog.

Evelyn said...

I follow you on twitter #1

Evelyn said...

I follow you on twitter #2

Evelyn said...

I follow Karate Kid on twitter:-)

Evelyn said...

Follow Karate Kid on twitter:-)

Evelyn said...

I tweeted:

Amy B. said...

My son would love this DVD
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I tweeted @silverwoodkids
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

GFC follower
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I follow you on twitter @silverwoodkids #1
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I follow you on twitter @silverwoodkids
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I follow Karate Kid on twitter #1
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I follow Karate Kid on twitter #2
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I like Karate Kid on Facebook #1
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I like Karate Kid on Facebook #2
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Amy B. said...

I like Karate Kid on Facebook #3
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.

Karla S said...

daily tweet

nfmgirl said...

I've heard good things about this movie. Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl said...

I follow

nfmgirl said...

I follow on Twitter

nfmgirl said...

I follow on Twitter #2

Evelyn said...

I blogged about this giveaway:

Evelyn said...

I blogged about this giveaway:

Evelyn said...

I blogged about this giveaway:

Evelyn said...

I blogged about this giveaway:

Evelyn said...

I blogged about this giveaway:

Anonymous said...

I commented on your positive thoughts button today, oct,11. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

AutumH said...

Daily tweet- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/27060890665


Cheryl said...

Daily Tweet


Karla S said...

daily tweet

Anonymous said...

I commented on your positive thoughts button today, oct12. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

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