Monday, March 9, 2020

Piccoli Horses Review and Giveaway...

*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of
Piccoli Horses. All opinions are 100% mine.*

I am super excited to tell you about Piccoli Horses!

It was so very heart warming to hear the story of how this fantastic company started...

The CEO Kimberly Rogers set out to help her son. When he was 3 years old doctors discovered he had a genetic brain disease. Shorty after his first neurosurgery she was told her son had to learn to speak. 

I think it is so inspiring that real horses helped her son Dylan learn to talk. After all she went through she used the experiences to create Piccoli. A technology-based toy that helps children with learning!

They also have a fun learning app called Piccoli Pals! It is designed for children 2-6 years old to develop and practice pronouncing words and short phrases in English and also in foreign languages.

This helps children to enjoy other languages in a playful, fun way by encouraging them to move their whole bodies through physical activities, including jumping, skipping, crawling, etc. You and your child work together to learn little words in different languages.

I am a firm believer of love and kindness and so when I read this below on their website it made me love Piccoli Horses even more! 

We make toys and learning experiences to inspire love, kindness and empathy.

Horses are kind, empathetic and protect each other. Together the herd is strong. This vision inspired us to create Piccoli Horses for children around the world to learn the language of another: to love, to learn, and to be kind.

Piccoli has horses, unicorns and more! They come in lots of different colors and they are so adorable! Every horse even comes with a unique name.

Our granddaughter loves them all so much! She likes that they are soft and cuddly. She keeps smiling as she plays with them!

Thank you so very much Piccoli for the amazing products!

Now here's the really exciting part...

One lucky winner gets to pick a horse or unicorn of their choice! Enter to win below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

This is so adorable and perfect for an upcoming birthiday.

kellyr78 said...

These are cute. My daughter would love a horse.

Nancy P said...

These are sooo cute.

Mami2jcn said...

My daughter would love her own horse!

Natalie said...

My niece loves horses, unicorns and stuffed animals! She would love a Piccoli horse!