Wednesday, January 3, 2024

9 Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Some Therapy...

Parenting can be as tough as rewarding, and you often find that you have to expect the unexpected. One day, you will find yourself Googling things like, "Why is my child speaking in a British accent when we're from Idaho?" and you will wonder what is going on. The truth is, that kids use a lot of weird (to us adults) things, and many of them are a totally normal part of their development.

That being said, there are some issues that could indicate your child may need some extra support, which is why you should take a look at the signs below.

1. Mood Swings: More Rollercoaster-y Than an Amusement Park

All kids have mood swings – they're like mini-emotion tornadoes. But if your child's moods are changing faster than a chameleon in a disco, it could be a sign that they're struggling to cope with their emotions. It's not just about being grumpy because they can't watch more TV; it's sudden, intense mood changes that leave you feeling like you're living with a pint-sized Jekyll and Hyde.

2. Picky Eating: Beyond the Realm of Normal Fussiness

If your child's picky eating has gone from "No, thanks, I'll pass on the Brussels sprouts" to "I'll only eat foods that are white," it might be time to consider therapy with It's one thing to dislike certain foods; it's another to limit their diet to the point where it might affect their health. Plus, negotiating with a tiny food critic at every meal can be more exhausting than a presidential election recount.

3. Trouble at School: When It's Not Just About Forgetting Homework

Sure, every kid has off days at school. But if your child is consistently facing challenges – like getting into trouble frequently, a sudden drop in grades, or issues with classmates – it might be a sign that something deeper is going on. It’s like when you find your car keys in the fridge; something's not quite right.

4. Sleep Issues: When Counting Sheep Turns Into Counting Dark Circles

Is your child tossing and turning more than a salad? Sleep issues can range from trouble falling asleep to frequent nightmares. If your child’s relationship with sleep seems as strained as your relationship with your gym membership, it might be time to get some extra support.

5. Anxiety: More Nervous Than a Long-Tailed Cat in a Room Full of Rocking Chairs

It's normal for kids to have fears but when anxiety starts to interfere with their daily life, it's a concern. If your child seems more on edge than a cat in a cucumber patch, extra support might help them learn to manage their worries.

6. Social Withdrawal: When 'I'm Just Chillin' Becomes a Lifestyle

Kids, like adults, need their alone time – their fortress of solitude. But if your child is withdrawing from friends, family, and activities they used to enjoy, it's worth a second look. It's like if Batman suddenly stopped going to the Batcave; you'd wonder what's up.

7. Behavioral Changes: When They’re Acting Stranger Than Fiction

Significant changes in behavior can be a red flag. This isn't about your child suddenly liking spinach; it's about drastic changes that make you wonder if an alien has taken residence in your home. If they're acting out, being unusually aggressive, or suddenly as secretive as a spy, it might be time for some extra support.

8. Physical Symptoms: When It’s Not Just a Tummy Ache

Stress and emotional issues can manifest physically in kids. If your child frequently complains of headaches, stomach pain, or other ailments, it might be a sign of emotional distress. It's their body trying to send signals.

Remember, seeking extra support for your child doesn't mean you've failed as a parent. It means you care enough to get them the support they need. So, if you're seeing these signs in your child, don't be afraid to reach out for help. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes that village includes getting extra support.

*This is a collaborative post thanks for reading! :)