The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise!
There's a small catch though....Post this same thing on your
blog and then come back and leave a comment telling me
you're in. Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the
gift. *Don't forget to post this on your blog first, then come
back and leave a comment on this post!*
So fun! I'm in! =)
YEAH! I love stuff like this!
THANKS so much!
I'm in, I love this idea!!
I already won this on Kritta's blog and I'm so excited it's not even funny. It's a fun idea---good luck!
I am always two comments late~ and a dollar short. Maybe next time. M
Great idea. Cute award.
Stay calm!
Dang It!!! Wish I was quicker!!!!
Shauna you are so sweet to do this! Congrats to the top three comments!
Aw, I am too late. This is such a fun/cute idea!
Great idea! Man I missed it =(
I love all of your Sundance photos! So exciting!
haha so yeah how does this work with when to send it to the person as it being a suprise and knowing their address or do we get them now and then just send the gift whenever??
I'm game for a give away. I have a few ideas of what to give. Age does have it's advantages. Hugs to you
That looks like a nice idea. :)
Sounds like fun! You have quite the following here too.
Have a wonderful week!
I guess I;m late,as always!!LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love getting to know new bloggy friends :)
I'm not in the first three - but I love that graphic. Did you create that?
Too fast for me! But it is a great idea!
I did this on my website too. I recieved a gorgeous hand knitted scarf and made my three people (and a hubby, I couldn't resist) t-shirts that WERE them! It is such a fun thing to do!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I do not need to enter your giveaway...let someone else be the winner this time. I do want to thank you for your kind words. New is good and I hope you will become an old friend soon.
Love that you had photographs with the stars who in the photos look like every day people which is a comfort don't you think and also that they want to have photos with everyone.
Kindest thoughts.
Very cute idea!
check out all those famous people, yourself included.
I feel famous just looking at your blog...........lol
Hola! thanks for stopping by my blog recently. i would LOVE to have been there. I love movies, especially the indie type that often premiere at Sundance. Great pictures.
bleh... clearly i missed out. But i like the button! It's cute!
Yah for reposting. I haven't a clue what I'm going to make you but I'm sure it will be awesome so be prepared :)
Shauna, just wanted to thank you for visiting and commenting on Tuesdays with Tiz/Prayerfully Yours this past Tuesday.
Visit anytime and be blessed. That is what we are there for.
Because of His Grace,
POO!!! I think it should be me too! for leaving the last comment!!! How about it! I loved your last handmade gifts! please please please, with butter and sugar on it??! LOL
SO the greatest thing just happened to me. The baby was being fussy, because it was almost time for dad to come home, and we both get anxious. So we put our shoes on and headed out to the mailbox.
The baby walks slow, so it took us about 20 minutes, because we had to stop and look at EVERYTHING, and attempt to put it in our mouths (his mostly).
When we got there we discovered the most amazing thing. A PACKAGE! A PACKAGE FROM YOU.
Filled with my very most favorite things! Like MENTOS, for one. YUM! I love those. And cute decorations to hang on the doorknob! An adorable pad of paper, a sweet smelly, and a lovely thought that is stuck up on my fridge.
It was the perfect day for a package to come. It was the perfect package.
I was so busy enjoying it, that I'm not sure I even glanced at the other mail, which was probably just bills anyway.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! It made my whole week!
Love you!
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