Saturday, March 13, 2010

Positive Thoughts Button...

I am a strong believer of positivity! This post is a place for people to come and leave uplifting, positive thoughts! I feel it is so important to bring out the good in others and to spread love by being positive! Please leave your positive thoughts, uplifting quotes, scriptures, or share anything positive! When I designed and made this button I never dreamed it would be such a blessing to not only me but everyone that comes here to visit!

Bless you all for your friendship and love! ♥ HUGS ♥

Looking forward to reading your positive thoughts :)


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Cheryl said...

I LOVE it! Who can't use some positive encouraging words, right. Excellent idea.

Cheryl said...

Oh goodie, I get to be one of the first to try the positive button.

I have this scripture on my facebook because it just speaks hope, love and peace.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (NIV)

Mommy Moment said...

What a lovely Idea!

Jody from Mommy Moment

Heavenly Savings said...

"Open hands catch the ball. Open hearts catch love."

Annette W. said...

One of the things I love about blogging is that I can focus on the positive...and not be critical like I naturally can be.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."

Annette W. said...

And though I love all the giveaways, I appreciate Seeking Sisterhood the most...because it is exactly what I am doing!

FoundProdigalDaughter said...

Smile, you are beautiful!

(Hope you don't mind me sharing a site that I find positive and helpful)

Queenie Jeannie said...

As the Queen of Happiness, I approve of this button! :D

Happiness is a choice; a conscious decision everyone makes, or doesn't make, every day!

J, K, L, and D said...

i love this one:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gosfam said...

I REALLY need positive thoughts sent my way :) So I will be checking in to see what others have to say.

If you're going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

What a great idea, cute button!
Sending positive thoughts!

House Queen said...

Even though we have never MET, you have been such an influence in my blogging life and I consider you a great friend!!!! Hugs & Love to you!!!!!!

Wanda said...

Every new second of your life is a new chance to get it right.
wandapanda at live dot com

Wanda said...

To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under Heaven.
wandapanda at live dot com

jakiesmom said...

i am vary excited my parents (the snowbirds) are coming home this week after 4 months out little boy is very happy!

Lori said...

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” :)

UtahJenny said...

Much better idea than the "easy" button - we could all use more positivity in our lives!!!

Take care and have a great week - you are such a lovely, delightful person bringing joy to LOTS of people!

Bless you!

CindyWindy2003 said...

I'm having positive thoughts of winning something nice! carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Terri said...

I'm naturally not a very positive person so your button and article are an inspiration. Thanks for making me think about changing the negative for the positive and all the benefits that can follow!

Huguette En said...

Enjoy reading it on google feed reader. Keep up the great work, it's appreciated :)

Cheryl said...

Here's a great saying that I try to remember when things aren't going well.

It will all be okay in the end. If it is not okay, then it is not the end.

Wanda said...

Smile and be nice. The tiny gesture you forget in a second may be the brightest spot in someone else's day.

wandapanda at live dot com

Wanda said...

What goes around comes around, so send around your very best!
wandapanda at live dot com

Evelyn said...

This is a fantastic idea!! I think I should put something like this on my blog!

Evelyn said...

Here's a quote I like: "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't."
Richard Bach

mrsshukra said...

I really like the straightforwardness of TtSC, thanks!

Jessica G. said...

I could really use some positive thoughts!
Hope to see you at Kristina's blogger lunch!

Wanda said...

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." So begin as you mean to go on!
wandapanda at live dot com

Annette W. said...

You are a good friend!

Gosfam said...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!! I am stirring mine super sweet :)

Miti said...

Great idea!!!!!!! I just found a blog yesterday that's all about looking at the bright side. Here's the link.

I hope it gives you lots of positive feedback!

Barbara Montag said...

Love it!
Sun is shining today!

Unknown said...

I guess my strength comes from just having FAITH that God's promises are,

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help"

with health issues i know there is not a timeline to that promise, so day to day living and faith that it WILL come keeps me going, AND positive!

thanks so much for this Shauna! Love this!

ejricther60 at gmail dot com


Terri said...

I think there's a song that says, "Smile and the world smiles with you." Makes sense, doesn't it?

Cheryl said...

Use your talent (everybody has one) in anyway you can. Don't keep it for yourself like a miser - spend it like a millionaire! Lucy MacDonald

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

I'm all about being positive! :)


Jolynn_Reads said...

One of my favorites:

"You can't pick and choose your problems,
But, you can choose how you handle them."

Miti said...

Jumping for joy is good exercise. ~Author Unknown


Gosfam said...

I pray Thee, O God, that I may be beautiful within.

anthy said...

Positive thoughts, huh? I got out my quote book from when I was a teenager for this. :-)

Here's a favorite of mine:

"There are forty thousand ways
Of constructing tribal lays
And every single one of them is right."

Nelsby said...

I saw the first robin of spring in my backyard about positive!

Cheryl said...

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

FLJewel said...

If you change the way you look at things, the things you're looking at begin to change. unknown

Wanda said...

Today you are richer by the exact amount you learned yesterday.
wandapanda at live dot com

Brooke said...

What an Awesome idea! You have the best blogs hands down!

The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the HEART!
Have a HAPPY Day!

Beth at Aunties said...

I LOVE this idea. Wouldn't you know YOU would be the one to come up with it!~♥

"No matter what circumstances you sisters experience, your influence can be marvelously far-reaching. I believe some of you have a tendency to underestimate your profound capacity for blessing the lives of others. More often than not, it is not on the stage with some public pronouncement but in your example of righteousness and the countless gentle acts of love and kindness done so willingly, so often on a one-to-one basis."
--James E. Faust

Shauna, Thank YOU for being YOU and all of your countless gentle acts of love:)

Beth at Aunties said...

May I also put this idea on my blog and spread the joy if beautiful inspiration?

"Our task is to become our best selves. One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final."
--Thomas S. Monson

Barbara Montag said...

It's a gorgeous day & I'm going a long walk!


Shauna I love your blogs! They are so uplifting and positive. Thank you for all the love and time you put into them.

Cheryl said...

“The best way you can cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up”

jakiesmom said...

spring is just a few days away!
yeah birds chirping trees blooming, so happy for it!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

Positive people make the most of their days, are less tired at the end, and appreciate others more. I think that should be all of us, no?


Darla said...

I am thankful for so many Blessings in life that are many times taken for God, husband, kids, house, food, ability to work and pay bills, freedom to be free in this country, having a computer, electricity, water, cars to drive, schools, music, washing machine and dryer, immediate and extended family still living, a brain and a memory, a voice, my eyesight, mobility, hearing, and so much more that is not guaranteed in life, but that we all take for granted each day.

Wanda said...

Smile at a stranger today - it will make 2 people feel better.
wandapanda at live dot com

Bethany said...

This is really common, but still good:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Cheryl said...

You know, this morning I woke up able to see, able to talk, able to hear, able to breathe, able to hug my children and be with my soul mate (husband) in the warm sunshine.....I give all my thanks to God, whom made all that possible. And when we are ankle deep in the snow tomorrow (winter storm coming), I am going to praise Him because I know He will bring the sun back!

mandala said...

I just had a cancer scare recently and for 2 months had been going through tests (painful) and the stress of it all. What sustained me is really thinking of how everything has a purpose and that there is something to be learned from what I was going through. I was at peace and positive that things will work out. Last Monday, cancer was RULED OUT. I believe that faith, hope and positivity really makes a huge difference in people's lives!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

Hoping for a positive day today!!!
March 20th


Unknown said...

MANDALA, thank God!!!...that is a long time to be scared and try to stay positive every moment. So happy and elated for you! It gives people a new outlook on life, RIGht!?

Peace of mind...yay!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Wanda said...

The airlines got one thing right: adjust your own oxygen mask first, THEN turn around and help everyone else.
wandapanda at live dot com

Terri said...

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." === Dale Carnegie

Nelsby said...

Whenever I'm feeling down, my little dachshund Nelson senses it...and climbs onto my lap to give me sweet puppy kisses. Talk about adding a bit of positivity to my day!

Cheryl said...

I just hatched out a bunch of baby chicks. There is nothing sweeter than fluffy baby chicks jumping into your hands and snuggling their heads between your fingers. I love God's creation. So much love and cuteness.

Cheryl said...

Mandala, that is such great news! Your right, we put our faith & hope in the Lord, and it will not return void. God bless you!

Unknown said...

Here's a good one to share!

Use your talent (everybody has one) in anyway you can. Don't keep it for yourself like a miser - spend it like a millionaire! Lucy MacDonald

SO TRUE...our youth needs to hear this, they are so pressured these days to be good, athletic, beautiful, is hard for them to see what they have to offer others. It is in GIVING that we receive!


jakiesmom said...

i found this and like it
Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
Alice Walker

traci smith said...

wow , this is definately a new idea

Wanda said...

"Dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you have never hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, and live as though heaven is on earth."
Author: unknown

wandapanda at live dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Open your heart so love can come in

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Wanda said...

18,904,110 people are having a birthday today. Treat the next stranger as if it's his birthday (maybe it is!!).

wandapanda at live dot com

Kel said...

Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take, but the amount of moments that take our breath away.


A GAL NEEDS... said...

Pray for world peace!
Looking in at the positive feedback. Now I know where to go when needing some upliftment!

Nelsby said...

I just got my first client for my new Executive Recruiting business today...yippee!!

Amy L said...

Blessings and positive thoughts coming your way.

Unknown said...

I am having trouble with change...body, health, life, kids...
I found this quote!

Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.
-Oscar Wilde

It lets me know that if I am not content with something, I need to take a step to change it...not just physically, but mentally!

thanks so much!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

Totally need this button today! :)



Wanda said...

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Smell 'em where you find 'em!
wandapanda at live dot com

Mommy Crafts said...

There's No expiration date on Memories!! So Making Memories is Priceless :)

Gosfam said...


Terri said...

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can......!!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

Being positive today!!!

Terri said...

To start living the life of your dreams you only need to do ONE thing … change your state of mind.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! I found a really GREAT thought today online. Simple but true!

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

I get stuck in the first one sometimes, and take things for granted. I wish I could live everyday with the second thought! It takes training I think...

Nelsby said...

Right in the middle of a cloudy rainy day, the sun shined through the clouds this afternoon -- and a small rainbow appeared!

Nancye said...

I love your blog!! Keep up the great work!! ~Nancye

Terri said...

Thanks to everyone for leaving such inspiring comments. Reading them helped me a lot this week.

Nelsby said...

I thought it was supposed to be cold and rainy today. Well I got a wonderful surprise with a lovely day filled with sunshine! This always puts me in a positive mood!

Mommy Crafts said...

An Apple a Day keeps the doctor away!! :)

Cheryl said...

Just stopping by to wish everyone a warm and wonderful Thursday!

Unknown said...

OOOh. I love this one!

A Swedish Proverb

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”

wow...that just about covers it ALL!


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Never look back at what might have been but look forward to what will be..
My own thoughts

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Gosfam said...

If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay--Quickly turn it upside down and SMILE that frown away!! No one likes a frowny face change it for a SMILE, make the world a better place by smiling all the while :)


Sean said...

like your button.

Terri said...

I hate to say it but thinking positive didn't stop my alternator from dying on me today. :-P And when they tried to replace it, a bolt/belt had to be replaced, too, adding another $100 to the bill. Blah! Still trying to be upbeat, though. At least the 10-year-old heap still runs!!

Nelsby said...

A local dairy just opened their ice cream shop for the season today. Ice cream always gives me a positive outlook!

tricityty said...

My positive thought is that I choose to be happy. Life is what you make it. And if you choose to be happy you will!

Annette W. said...

We live by faith and not by sight!


CindyWindy2003 said...

I think this weekend is going to be a great weekend! Everyone enjoy, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Gosfam said...

The trials of this life will ulitmately lead to joy if we tryst in God's plan and discover how to use adversity to grow stronger!!

Terri said...

It's easy to be positive when you're around happy, positive people. It's much more difficult when you're the only positive person in the room!

Nelsby said...

I am babysitting my niece and nephew tonight -- and they truly are such a joy! They really make me smile and always put me in a positive mood!

misskallie2000 said...

Always praise your children and let them know they can be anything that they want to be, they just have to believe in themselves.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Terri said...

miskallie2000: Excellent advice! My mother used to have a poem framed on the wall that said just what you did. A parent can't encourage their kids enough! They really are our future.

Nelsby said...

The sun is shining and it's a Saturday...what's more positive than that?!

Gosfam said...

I always share SMILE stuff, but it truly pays off to SMILE.

So.... Put a Little Smile on your Face!!

misskallie2000 said...

Keep a smile on your face and you will feel so much better if you are not feeling great..Smiling gets all the good feelings working...also makes people you meet smile back at you..

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

THIS one surprised me...I was looking for something regarding personal growth and found this quote by KIRK DOUGLAS (just this week)

" Obey the voice within - it commands us to give of ourselves and help others. As long as we have the capacity to give, we are alive."

I think I shut off too much...I think I have nothing to offer because I am thinking BIG...but really I think most things grow by taking smaller steps!


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


sodahoney said...

My cold is better and I will be out walking at least 4 miles tomorrow

*ashley* said...

i love this...i actually do this on my own blog..
i ask my twitter followers to tweet positives every day...i love that you do this too!

Nelsby said...

I just found out today that I won a Barnes & Noble Nook eReader! Happy, happy day!!

Gosfam said...

Every Fairytale has some adversity to make it to Happily Ever After. Adversity helps us grow!! Make the best of any situation.

Terri said...

Congratulations, Nelsby. I hope you enjoy your nook. By the way, it's a small world! ... you live right down Main Ave. about a mile or two from me!

Shanna said...

i love it!!!
What a great idea, what
great words! =]

mrsshukra said...

Great reminder especially first thing in the morning, thanks!

Gosfam said...

A friend is someone who knows all about you and LOVES you just the same!! I love all my BLOGGY friends.

Unknown said...

WHEN fear takes over~~~

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
- Christopher Columbus

I have to think this way, every day when the fear drowns me...


Nelsby said...

I am watching The Office on TV right now. This show is hilarious! And it always makes me feel more positive about my job!

sodahoney said...

I saw a really beautiful women in the mirror this morning.

misskallie2000 said...

Never ask someone to do what you would not do yourself. Never treat others as lesser than you.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Terri said...

Just think ... soon it will be hot and sunny enough to want to eat a snow cone!!

Merrie L. said...

I LOVE IT; and really could use it! What a great idea. :)

"Positive anything is better than negative nothing."
Elbert Hubbard

Gosfam said...

Spring is so pretty!! Not that the other seasons aren't but there is something so nice about the flowers and GREEN!! So ENJOY the weather and SMILE today.

sodahoney said...

My garden is looking wonderful.

Beth at Aunties said...

As I sat in a fast and testimony meeting in Colorado this weekend with 3 of our children, their spouses and 10 of our precious grandchildren, the thought kept coming to me, 'Where much is given much is expected'.
One of those is having a heart of gratitude! As women being so blessed by so many of the Lord's blessings both small and large I am so full of gratitude for ALL things. Even those hard things which teach and help us to grow and become stronger and closer to HIM.

Nelsby said...

I just got home from watching my niece and her entire second grade class in a musical play called Bugz. I had forgotten just how funny it is to watch a big bunch of 8-year olds trying to act and sing!

Unknown said...

I really need this i have been having a bad time with depression and i need some positive in y life right now i have gone through and read all of these! i lov lov lov it! it!
THANKS I hope getting back into blogging puts JOY back into my life!

Unknown said...

It is a beautiful night and I am feeling oh so lucky!

Unknown said...

I follow seeking sisterhood

Unknown said...

I follow trying 2 stay calm

Terri said...

Never forget that God works in mysterious ways.

Unknown said...

I love this one!

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills.
Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom.”
- Earl Shoaf

I need to live by this and complain less!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Unknown said...

I HAVE to leave this one too...

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
– Hellen Keller

I feel this....

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Unknown said...

I think this is a great thing, nice to read a daily one
calvert0 at telus dot net

Gosfam said...

You don't stop laughing because you grow old--you grow old because you stop laughing!!

A cheerful hear is a good medicine...Proverbs 17:22

sodahoney said...

I love my kids even when it is hard.

Terri said...

Did you ever read Helen Keller's autobiography? It is simply amazing. It's difficult to feel sorry for oneself after reading that story! said...

I pushed that positive thoughts button! I could sure use it about now! :)

sodahoney said...

Gonna share the smile of my grandhildren this weekend

Unknown said...

TERRI...I have never read Hellen Keller's book...I never knew there was one! I will have to find it!

GRAMEE...hope you are having a good day. I know how you feel.

My positive thought today:

“Pessimist : A person who says that O is the last letter of ZERO, instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY.”
- Anonymous

Sigh...that is a good one to live by!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Terri said...

Wow, what a day. A family I know (and the family in the other side of the double home) lost their house and everything in it to a fire today. Hard to be positive but I'm trying!

Mommy Crafts said...

Love is like a Flower it needs constant feeding.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs positivity in their lives!

Terri said...

We are what we ... think !

Wendyburd1 said...

Hmm lemme think of one I have heard..."Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact."
- William James

sodahoney said...

the weather is beautiful, warm and sunny.

Terri said...

ejrichter60: Yes, it's called The Story of My Life and it was published in 1903. Thanks to your comment, I searched and found out it is online and can be read for FREE. Thanks!

Terri said...

Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us ... Ephesians 5:2

Anonymous said...

My positive thought--

"Those who fear the thorns, will never pick the roses!"

Unknown said...

THANKS TERRI! I will save that and get to it very soon!

AND my thought found today is this:

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
- Thomas A Edison

I've heard this before and always makes me chuckle...especially when I ask my kids to "BUCKLE DOWN"...did I JUST SAY BUCKLE DOWN? OMGOSH...I have really turned into my MOther (funny). ANYWAY, my kids do not like to do menial labor. Don't get it, when we were young we just had jobs to do. I am VERY SURE I never, ever in my life whined about it (haha).


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Anonymous said...

my positive thought of the day: It's never too late to have a happy childhood}--Tom Robbins

Elkhorn Inn & Theatre said...

I do like the "positive" button... My positive thought for the day:
When I was about to turn 38 and was Really bummed about it (all that "pushing 40" stuff), I mentioned my angst to my mother (then 74). Her response: "It's better than NOT turning 38!" Every birthday's looked REALLY good since then! (I just turned 51; mom's 87!)

CindyWindy2003 said...

Nice positive Easter Day, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Unknown said...

My positive thought for the day!

“Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting”
- Elizabeth Bibesco

THAT is beautiful and so insightful!

thanks much!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


sodahoney said...

My granddaughters and I made an Easter Bunny Cake. They had a great time. I love the smiles on the faces of children.

sodahoney said...

Monday time for a fresh week.

Terri said...

Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. - Confucius

Unknown said...

I love this site!

thanks so much!

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life’s about creating yourself.”
- George Bernard Shaw


Sarah Osborne said...

This is my favorite scripture:
Yea, I know I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore i will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things.

Alma 26:12

I strongly believe this!

Sarah Osborne said...

"The Past is behind; learn from it. The future is ahead; prepare for it. The present is here; live it!"
-President Thomas S. Monson

**One of my favorite quotes!

Mommy Crafts said...

We Build our marriages with endless friendship, confidence, integrity, and by administering and sustaining each other in our difficulties

~James E. Faust

Terri said...

Whether I believe in John Edward (the psychic) or not, I was moved by one simple thing he said directly after 9-11. He was talking about all the people who said they felt helpless and wanted to do something but didn't know what to do. He told them that there was something they could do ... They could pray.

sodahoney said...

I love the day.

misskallie2000 said...

Don't let negative thoughts stay more than a minute. Always have positive thoughts and you will be positive in your life.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

easleyfamily said...

Kindness Matters

Beth at Aunties said...

I LOVE you started this post!!!

When you feel over whelmed and that you can't rise to the occasion,then fall to your knees.

ACDC2005 said...

I just adopted this as a new mantra. For now anyway:

The place you are called to be is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep need meet."

m2mommy said...

what a positive place..

sodahoney said...

Clean bill of health today. It is a great day.

Unknown said...

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
- Stephen Covey

Hmmm...God IS the main event!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Lori said...

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting♥ :)

sodahoney said...

I like what i see. So I will act.

Anonymous said...

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros

Sarah Osborne said...

My husband and I have just decided to get pregnant this year!

mrsshukra said...

Not an easy time now but I know everything will be all right!

sodahoney said...

some real cutie looked back at me in the mirror this morning

Sarah Osborne said...

Something that always helps me is remembering that bad times never last, and good times are always around the corner

Unknown said...

“So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
- Christopher Reeve


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


Unknown said...

I really have to put into my thoughts the words HOPE and BELIEVE to get through my tuff time right now!! Without it I would be lost.

Anonymous said...

Wow! this is the first time I clicked in here and it is really awesome! Now I know where to come when I need to read some positive, uplifting and encouraging words!

Evelyn said...

I continue to love this button! Here's my positive thought for the day: Yesterday, my son (who is mildly Autistic) said "bye bye mom" to me yesterday as I left for the doctor. It's the first time he's ever called me mom with meaning!!!

sodahoney said...

Going to see the smiling faces of my grandchildren

Sarah Osborne said...

I always do better when I remember the big picture; letting the little things go and focusing on what really matters.

mrsshukra said...

Positivity is my goal!

Unknown said...

“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.”
- Talmund


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


mrsshukra said...

No matter what's going on in my life, I try to help others be positive!

Diane52 said...

This is a good thing.

sodahoney said...

Sending everyone my love.

Sarah Osborne said...

My parents always taught their kids that if you focus more on others than yourself, your problems will me minimized.

Tammy said...

Always encourage your kids to do their best and they will succeed.

Katmagick said...

Positive energy is the only kind of energy to have.I don't have time for negativity.

Sarah Osborne said...

You can find something you like about everyone.

mrsshukra said...

I always start my day with a positive thought!

sodahoney said...

My dog made it through surgery AOK. I am loving today.

Unknown said...

Just reading backwards a bit...have been off a couple days...
Yeah Sarah O...that is SO cool
and so glad about your dog Sodahoney! (our dogs are so much angels in our lives...I almost lost mine on my birthday a year and half ago...and she has been by my side every day since. I know it was her purpose to be my friend through a rough time. I hope yours is doing well!)

My positive thought:

" We confide in our strength, without boasting it; we respect that of others, without fearing it."
Thomas Jefferson

Have a good day everyone!


Anonymous said...

"Be gentle with yourself. Don't expect yourself to be perfect by tomorrow morning. If you're a late bloomer,as many of us are,be patient and give yourself time to grow"


sodahoney said...

living life to the fullest

Lydia A. said...

What a fantastic idea! I love this button. I've been having a bad week but I woke up today with positive thoughts and determined that my day would be good and it has been! Wake up with good thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Here is a quote that helped me through a difficult day.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill

Lydia A. said...

Smile and make it a big, funny-looking smile! It will make you feel better.

Beth at Aunties said...

Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which to look at Christ's compassion to the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which he is to bless us now." - St. Teresa of Avila

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